Do orientation programs help new graduates? E Strauss, C Ovnat, A Gonen, L Lev-Ari, A Mizrahi Nurse Education Today 36, 422-426, 2016 | 92 | 2016 |
Show me your friends, and I shall show you who you are: The way attachment and social comparisons influence body dissatisfaction L Lev‐Ari, I Baumgarten‐Katz, AH Zohar European Eating Disorders Review 22 (6), 463-469, 2014 | 77 | 2014 |
Mirror, mirror on the wall: How women learn body dissatisfaction L Lev-Ari, I Baumgarten-Katz, AH Zohar Eating behaviors 15 (3), 397-402, 2014 | 65 | 2014 |
Is there anybody out there? Attachment style and interpersonal facilitators as protective factors against complicated grief among suicide-loss survivors Y Levi-Belz, L Lev-Ari The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 207 (3), 131-136, 2019 | 63 | 2019 |
Integrating Information Technology’s competencies into academic nursing education–An action study A Gonen, D Sharon, L Lev-Ari Cogent Education 3 (1), 1193109, 2016 | 61 | 2016 |
The association between sexual orientation, susceptibility to social messages and disordered eating in men I Gigi, R Bachner-Melman, L Lev-Ari Appetite 99, 25-33, 2016 | 59 | 2016 |
“Let’s talk about it”: The moderating role of self-disclosure on complicated grief over time among suicide survivors Y Levi-Belz, L Lev-Ari International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (19), 3740, 2019 | 55 | 2019 |
Attachment styles and posttraumatic growth among suicide-loss survivors Y Levi-Belz, L Lev-Ari Crisis, 2018 | 53 | 2018 |
Adolescent depressive symptoms and breakup distress during early emerging adulthood: Associations with the quality of romantic interactions S Shulman, I Seiffge-Krenke, M Scharf, L Lev-Ari, G Levy Emerging Adulthood 5 (4), 251-258, 2017 | 47 | 2017 |
Pathways of sleep, affect, and stress constellations during the first year of college: Transition difficulties of emerging adults L Lev Ari, S Shulman Journal of youth studies 15 (3), 273-292, 2012 | 47 | 2012 |
The psychometric properties of the DS14 in Hebrew and the prevalence of type D personality in Israeli adults AH Zohar, J Denollet, LL Ari, CR Cloninger European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2011 | 41 | 2011 |
How to enhance nursing students’ intention to use information technology: the first step before integrating it in nursing curriculum A Gonen, D Sharon, A Offir, L Lev-Ari CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 32 (6), 286-293, 2014 | 36 | 2014 |
Can recovery from an eating disorder be measured? Toward a standardized questionnaire R Bachner-Melman, L Lev-Ari, AH Zohar, SL Lev Frontiers in psychology 9, 2456, 2018 | 35 | 2018 |
Attachment, sense of entitlement in romantic relationships, and sexual revictimization among adult CSA survivors I Brenner, R Bachner-Melman, L Lev-Ari, M Levi-Ogolnic, R Tolmacz, ... Journal of interpersonal violence 36 (19-20), NP10720-NP10743, 2021 | 34 | 2021 |
The EDE-Q in Hebrew: structural and convergent/divergent validity in a population sample. AH Zohar, L Lev-Ari, R Bachner-Melman Israel Journal of Psychiatry 54 (3), 15-20, 2017 | 34 | 2017 |
The psychometric properties of the Hebrew version of Cloninger's Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire AH Zohar, L Lev-Ari, J Benjamin, R Ebstein, P Lichtenberg, Y Osher Personality and Individual Differences 30 (8), 1297-1309, 2001 | 34 | 2001 |
Nothing gained: An explorative study of the long-term effects of perceived maternal feeding practices on women's and men's adult BMI, body image dissatisfaction, and disordered … L Lev-Ari, AH Zohar International Journal of Psychology 48 (6), 1201-1211, 2013 | 33 | 2013 |
Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q-13): expanding on the short form L Lev-Ari, R Bachner-Melman, AH Zohar Journal of eating disorders 9 (1), 57, 2021 | 30 | 2021 |
Thankful for what? The efficacy of interventions targeting interpersonal versus noninterpersonal gratitude. P Berger, R Bachner-Melman, L Lev-Ari Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
Interparental conflict and relational attitudes within romantic relationships: The mediating role of attachment orientations R Tolmacz, R Bachner-Melman, L Lev-Ari, K Almagor Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 39 (6), 1648-1668, 2022 | 25 | 2022 |