Vicent Anney
Vicent Anney
University of Dar Es Salaam, School of Education
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Cited by
Ensuring the Quality of the Findings of Qualitative Research: Looking at Trustworthiness Criteria
VN Anney
Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies …, 2014
Student’s Plagiarisms in Higher Learning Institutions in the Era of Improved Internet Access: Case Study of Developing Countries
NA Vicent, AM Mary
Journal of Education and Practice 6 (13), 203-216, 2015
Literacy and Numeracy Teaching in Tanzanian Classrooms: Insights from Teachers’ Classroom Practices
VN Anney, M Mussa, N Ndunguru
Journal of Education and Practice 7 (9), 137-154, 2016
Rethinking the Role of Co-Curricular Activities in Developing Students' Talents in Secondary Schools in Tanzania
A Lazaro, A Vicent, Naano
Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies …, 2016
Supporting licensed science teachers’ professional development in adopting learner-centred pedagogy in Tanzanian secondary schools
VN Anney
University of Waikato, 2013
Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Self-Driven Acceptance of Mobile Phone Use as an ICT Teaching Tool
R Matimbwa, A Vicent, Naano
Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies …, 2016
Experienced Mathematics Teachers PCK in the Use of LearnerCentred Approaches in Tanzania’s Secondary Schools
MB Vicent Naano Anney
Papers in Education and Development 7 (1), 94-122, 2019
Enhancing untrained science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in developing countries through teachers’ professional learning communities (PLCs)
International Journal of Development and Sustainability 3 (8), 1709-174, 2014
The use of unqualified science teachers in developing countries: A barrier to achieving sustainable global education
VN Anney, AC Hume, R Coll
the Fourth Asian Conference on Education, Osaka, Japan, 2012
Pre-service Teachers' Perception of the Impact of Part-time Lecturers in Tanzanian Higher Education: The Tale of Two University of Dar es Salaam Constituent Colleges of Education
VN Anney
Papers in Education and Development, 2014
Local teaching materials (LTM) as an alternative strategy for improving chemistry teaching in community secondary schools (CSS) in Tanzania
V Anney
Unversity of Dar es Salaam, 2007
Mathematics teacher's content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in learner-centred approaches in secondary schools
B Makungu, A Vincent Naano, LK Kobosingye
Frontiers of Contemporary Education 2 (2), 80-99, 2021
Experienced mathematics teachers PCK in the use of learner-centred approaches in Tanzania’s secondary schools
VN Anney, M Bulayi
Papers in Education and Development 37 (1), 2020
The Lacuna in African Education Systems: Why the Systems are not Achieving the Needs for 21st Century Learned Citizens
VN Anney
Developing Country Studies 5 (20), 50-55, 2015
Original Paper Mathematics Teacher’s Content Knowledge and Pedagogical
M Bulayi, VN Anney, LK Kobosingye
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Articles 1–15