Ashani Savinda Ranathunga
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Cited by
A Review of CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery with a Simulated Sensitivity Analysis
MSA Perera, RP Gamage, TD Rathnaweera, AS Ranathunga, A Koay, ...
Energies 9 (7), 481, 2016
Gas transportation and enhanced coalbed methane recovery processes in deep coal seams: a review
XG Zhang, PG Ranjith, MSA Perera, AS Ranathunga, A Haque
Energy & Fuels 30 (11), 8832-8849, 2016
Super-critical CO2 saturation-induced mechanical property alterations in low rank coal: an experimental study
AS Ranathunga, MSA Perera, PG Ranjith, H Bui
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 109, 134-140, 2016
An experimental investigation of applicability of CO2 enhanced coal bed methane recovery to low rank coal
AS Ranathunga, MSA Perera, PG Ranjith, CH Wei
Fuel 189, 391-399, 2017
Deep coal seams as a greener energy source: a review
AS Ranathunga, MSA Perera, PG Ranjith
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 11 (6), 063001, 2014
Influence of CO2 adsorption on the strength and elastic modulus of low rank Australian coal under confining pressure
AS Ranathunga, MSA Perera, PG Ranjith
International Journal of Coal Geology 167, 148-156, 2016
Super-critical carbon dioxide flow behaviour in low rank coal: A meso-scale experimental study
AS Ranathunga, MSA Perera, PG Ranjith, XG Zhang, B Wu
Journal of CO2 Utilization 20, 1-13, 2017
A macro-scale experimental study of sub-and super-critical CO2 flow behavior in Victorian brown coal
AS Ranathunga, MSA Perera, PG Ranjith, Y Ju, V Vishal, PNK De Silva
Fuel 158, 864-873, 2015
Experimental investigation of the influence of CO2 and water adsorption on mechanics of coal under confining pressure
X Zhang, PG Ranjith, Y Lu, AS Ranathunga
International Journal of Coal Geology 209, 117-129, 2019
Variation of mechanical properties of bituminous coal under CO2 and H2O saturation
XG Zhang, PG Ranjith, AS Ranathunga, DY Li
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 61, 158-168, 2019
Effect of Coal Rank on CO2 Adsorption Induced Coal Matrix Swelling with Different CO2 Properties and Reservoir Depths
AS Ranathunga, MSA Perera, PG Ranjith, TD Rathnaweera, XG Zhang
Energy & Fuels 31 (5), 5297-5305, 2017
A macro-scale view of the influence of effective stress on carbon dioxide flow behaviour in coal: an experimental study
AS Ranathunga, MSA Perera, PG Ranjith, GPD De Silva
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 3, 13-28, 2017
Effect of coal rank on various fluid saturations creating mechanical property alterations using Australian coals
MSA Perera, AS Ranathunga, PG Ranjith
Energies 9 (6), 440, 2016
Optimization of enhanced coal-bed methane recovery using numerical simulation
MSA Perera, PG Ranjith, AS Ranathunga, AYJ Koay, J Zhao, SK Choi
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 12 (1), 90-107, 2015
An experimental investigation of coupled chemico-mineralogical and mechanical changes in varyingly-cemented sandstones upon CO2 injection in deep saline aquifer environments
TD Rathnaweera, PG Ranjith, MSA Perera, AS Ranathunga, ...
Energy 133, 404-414, 2017
CO2 enhanced flow characteristics of naturally-fractured bituminous coals with N2 injection at different reservoir depths
XG Zhang, PG Ranjith, DY Li, MSA Perera, AS Ranathunga, BN Zhang
Journal of CO2 Utilization 28, 393-402, 2018
Effects of water and brine saturation on mechanical property alterations of brown coal
X Zhang, RP Gamage, MSA Perera, AS Ranathunga
Energies 11 (5), 1116, 2018
The influence of CO2 saturation time on the coal gas flow: Fractured bituminous coal
X Zhang, RP Gamage, MSA Perera, A Haque, AS Ranathunga
Fuel 240, 153-161, 2019
A review of CO2-enhanced oil recovery with a simulated sensitivity analysis. Energies 9: 481
M Perera, R Gamage, T Rathnaweera, A Ranathunga, A Koay, X Choi
Sub-and super-critical carbon dioxide flow variations in large high-rank coal specimen: an experimental study
X Zhang, PG Ranjith, AS Ranathunga
Energy 181, 148-161, 2019
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Articles 1–20