Jeffrey Reed
Jeffrey Reed
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
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Overview of spatial channel models for antenna array communication systems
RB Ertel, P Cardieri, KW Sowerby, TS Rappaport, JH Reed
IEEE personal communications 5 (1), 10-22, 1998
Spectrum sensing for cognitive radio
S Haykin, DJ Thomson, JH Reed
Proceedings of the IEEE 97 (5), 849-877, 2009
Position location using wireless communications on highways of the future
TS Rappaport, JH Reed, BD Woerner
IEEE communications Magazine 34 (10), 33-41, 2002
Software radio: a modern approach to radio engineering
JH Reed
Prentice Hall Professional, 2002
Defense against primary user emulation attacks in cognitive radio networks
R Chen, JM Park, JH Reed
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 26 (1), 25-37, 2008
Federated learning for wireless communications: Motivation, opportunities, and challenges
S Niknam, HS Dhillon, JH Reed
IEEE Communications Magazine 58 (6), 46-51, 2020
An overview of the challenges and progress in meeting the E-911 requirement for location service
JH Reed, KJ Krizman, BD Woerner, TS Rappaport
IEEE Communications Magazine 36 (4), 30-37, 1998
A new approach to signal classification using spectral correlation and neural networks
A Fehske, J Gaeddert, JH Reed
First IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum …, 2005
Using game theory to analyze wireless ad hoc networks.
V Srivastava, JO Neel, AB MacKenzie, R Menon, LA DaSilva, JE Hicks, ...
IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials 7 (1-4), 46-56, 2005
Cyclostationary approaches to signal detection and classification in cognitive radio
K Kim, IA Akbar, KK Bae, JS Um, CM Spooner, JH Reed
2007 2nd ieee international symposium on new frontiers in dynamic spectrum …, 2007
Introduction to ultra wideband communication systems, an
J Reed
Prentice Hall Press, 2005
Handoff in cellular systems
ND Tripathi, JH Reed, HF VanLandinoham
IEEE personal communications 5 (6), 26-37, 1998
Analog-to-digital converters
B Le, TW Rondeau, JH Reed, CW Bostian
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 22 (6), 69-77, 2005
Toward secure distributed spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks
R Chen, JM Park, YT Hou, JH Reed
IEEE Communications Magazine 46 (4), 50-55, 2008
Angle and time of arrival statistics for circular and elliptical scattering models
RB Ertel, JH Reed
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 17 (11), 1829-1840, 1999
A survey of artificial intelligence for cognitive radios
A He, KK Bae, TR Newman, J Gaeddert, K Kim, R Menon, ...
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 59 (4), 1578-1592, 2010
Artificial intelligence-enabled cellular networks: A critical path to beyond-5G and 6G
R Shafin, L Liu, V Chandrasekhar, H Chen, J Reed, JC Zhang
IEEE Wireless Communications 27 (2), 212-217, 2020
Geometrical-based statistical macrocell channel model for mobile environments
P Petrus, JH Reed, TS Rappaport
IEEE Transactions on Communications 50 (3), 495-502, 2002
Interference rejection in digital wireless communications
JD Laster, JH Reed
IEEE signal processing magazine 14 (3), 37-62, 1997
Applying radio environment maps to cognitive wireless regional area networks
Y Zhao, L Morales, J Gaeddert, KK Bae, JS Um, JH Reed
2007 2nd IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum …, 2007
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Articles 1–20