Zong-Xian Zhang
Zong-Xian Zhang
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Effects of loading rate on rock fracture: fracture characteristics and energy partitioning
ZX Zhang, SQ Kou, LG Jiang, PA Lindqvist
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (5), 745-762, 2000
The flattened Brazilian disc specimen used for testing elastic modulus, tensile strength and fracture toughness of brittle rocks: analytical and numerical results
QZ Wang, XM Jia, SQ Kou, ZX Zhang, PA Lindqvist
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 41 (2), 245-253, 2004
An empirical relation between mode I fracture toughness and the tensile strength of rock
ZX Zhang
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences 39 (3), 401-406, 2002
Rock fracture and blasting: theory and applications
ZX Zhang
Butterworth-Heinemann (Elsevier), 2016
Effects of loading rate on rock fracture
ZX Zhang, SQ Kou, J Yu, Y Yu, LG Jiang, PA Lindqvist
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (5), 597-611, 1999
Effects of high temperatures on dynamic rock fracture
ZX Zhang, J Yu, SQ Kou, PA Lindqvist
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 38 (2), 211-225, 2001
More accurate stress intensity factor derived by finite element analysis for the ISRM suggested rock fracture toughness specimen—CCNBD
QZ Wang, XM Jia, SQ Kou, ZX Zhang, PA Lindqvist
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 40 (2), 233-241, 2003
Fracture processes in granite blocks under blast loading
LY Chi, ZX Zhang, A Aalberg, J Yang, CC Li
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 52, 853-868, 2019
Measurement of shock pressure and shock-wave attenuation near a blast hole in rock
LY Chi, ZX Zhang, A Aalberg, J Yang, CC Li
International Journal of Impact Engineering 125, 27-38, 2019
Experimental investigation of blast-induced fractures in rock cylinders
LY Chi, ZX Zhang, A Aalberg, CC Li
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 52, 2569-2584, 2019
Energy requirement for rock breakage in laboratory experiments and engineering operations: A review
ZX Zhang, F Ouchterlony
Rock mechanics and rock engineering 55 (2), 629-667, 2022
Empirical estimation of uniaxial compressive strength of rock: database of simple, multiple, and artificial intelligence-based regressions
AE Aladejare, ED Alofe, M Onifade, AI Lawal, TM Ozoji, ZX Zhang
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 39, 4427-4455, 2021
In-situ measurements of cutter forces on boring machine at Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory part II. Characteristics of cutter forces and examination of cracks generated
ZX Zhang, SQ Kou, PA Lindqvist
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 36, 63-83, 2003
The relationship between the fracture toughness and tensile strength of rock
ZX Zhang, SQ Kou, PA Lindqvist, Y Yu
Strength theories: applications, development & prospects for 21st century 21 …, 1998
Muography and its potential applications to mining and rock engineering
ZX Zhang, T Enqvist, M Holma, P Kuusiniemi
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 1-15, 2020
Increasing ore extraction by changing detonator positions in LKAB Malmberget mine
ZX Zhang
Fragblast 9 (1), 29-46, 2005
In-situ measurements of cutter forces on boring machine at Äspö hard rock laboratory Part I. Laboratory calibration and in-situ measurements
ZX Zhang, SQ Kou, XC Tan, PA Lindqvist
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 36, 39-61, 2003
Laboratory experiment of stemming impact on rock fragmentation by a high explosive
ZX Zhang, DF Hou, Z Guo, Z He
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 97, 103257, 2020
Experimental study of surface constraint effect on rock fragmentation by blasting
ZX Zhang, DF Hou, Z Guo, Z He, Q Zhang
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 128, 104278, 2020
Reduction of fragment size from mining to mineral processing: a review
ZX Zhang, JA Sanchidrián, F Ouchterlony, S Luukkanen
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 56 (1), 747-778, 2023
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Articles 1–20