Cristina Lazcano
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Cited by
Comparison of the effectiveness of composting and vermicomposting for the biological stabilization of cattle manure
C Lazcano, M Gómez-Brandón, J Domínguez
Chemosphere 72 (7), 1013-1019, 2008
Short-term effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil microbial community structure and function
C Lazcano, M Gómez-Brandón, P Revilla, J Domínguez
Biology and Fertility of Soils 49 (6), 723-733, 2013
Plant genotype strongly modifies the structure and growth of maize rhizosphere microbial communities
M Aira, M Gómez-Brandón, C Lazcano, E Bååth, J Domínguez
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42 (12), 2276-2281, 2010
The use of vermicompost in sustainable agriculture: impact on plant growth and soil fertility
C Lazcano, J Domínguez
Soil nutrients 10 (1-23), 187, 2011
The evaluation of stability and maturity during the composting of cattle manure
M Gómez-Brandón, C Lazcano, J Domínguez
Chemosphere 70 (3), 436-444, 2008
Compost benefits for agriculture evaluated by life cycle assessment. A review
J Martínez-Blanco, C Lazcano, TH Christensen, P Muñoz, J Rieradevall, ...
Agronomy for sustainable development 33, 721-732, 2013
Compost and vermicompost as nursery pot components: effects on tomato plant growth and morphology
C Lazcano, J Arnold, JG Zaller, JD Martín, AT Salgado
Spanish journal of agricultural research, 944-951, 2009
The rhizosphere microbiome plays a role in the resistance to soil-borne pathogens and nutrient uptake of strawberry cultivars under field conditions
C Lazcano, E Boyd, G Holmes, S Hewavitharana, A Pasulka, K Ivors
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 3188, 2021
Effects of Organic Fertilizers on the Soil Microorganisms Responsible for N2O Emissions: A Review
C Lazcano, X Zhu-Barker, C Decock
Microorganisms 9 (5), 983, 2021
Yield and fruit quality of four sweet corn hybrids (Zea mays) under conventional and integrated fertilization with vermicompost
C Lazcano, P Revilla, RA Malvar, J Domínguez
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 91 (7), 1244-1253, 2011
Influencia del vermicompost en el crecimiento de las plantas: Aportes para la elaboración de un concepto objetivo
J Domínguez, C Lazcano, M Gómez-Brandón
Acta zoológica mexicana 26 (SPE2), 359-371, 2010
Vermicompost enhances germination of the maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.)
C Lazcano, L Sampedro, R Zas, J Domínguez
New Forests 39, 387-400, 2010
Effects of vermicompost as a potting amendment of two commercially-grown ornamental plant species
C Lazcano, J Dominguez
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 8 (4), 1260-1270, 2010
Arbuscular mycorrhizal effects on plant water relations and soil greenhouse gas emissions under changing moisture regimes
C Lazcano, FH Barrios-Masias, LE Jackson
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 74, 184-192, 2014
Short-term stabilization of grape marc through earthworms
M Gómez-Brandón, C Lazcano, M Lores, J Domínguez
Journal of Hazardous Materials 187 (1-3), 291-295, 2011
Soil microbial-root and microbial-rhizosphere processes to increase nitrogen availability and retention in agroecosystems
LE Jackson, TM Bowles, AK Hodson, C Lazcano
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4 (5), 517-522, 2012
Defining and managing for healthy vineyard soils, intersections with the concept of terroir
C Lazcano, C Decock, SG Wilson
Frontiers in Environmental Science 8, 68, 2020
Detritivorous earthworms modify microbial community structure and accelerate plant residue decomposition
M Gómez-Brandón, C Lazcano, M Lores, J Domínguez
Applied Soil Ecology 44 (3), 237-244, 2010
Assessment of Plant Growth Promotion by Vermicompost in Different Progenies of Maritime Pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.)
C Lazcano, L Sampedro, R Zas, J Domínguez
Compost science & utilization 18 (2), 111-118, 2010
Ageing effects of casts of Aporrectodea caliginosa on soil microbial community structure and activity
M Aira, C Lazcano, M Gómez-Brandón, J Domínguez
Applied Soil Ecology 46 (1), 143-146, 2010
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Articles 1–20