Gaochao Cai
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Parameterization of root water uptake models considering dynamic root distributions and water uptake compensation
G Cai, J Vanderborght, V Couvreur, CM Mboh, H Vereecken
Vadose Zone Journal 17, 1-21, 2017
Root hydraulic phenotypes impacting water uptake in drying soils
G Cai, MA Ahmed, M Abdalla, A Carminati
Plant, Cell & Environment 45 (3), 650-663, 2022
Root growth, water uptake, and sap flow of winter wheat in response to different soil water conditions
G Cai, J Vanderborght, M Langensiepen, A Schnepf, H Hüging, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (4), 2449-2470, 2018
Stomatal closure during water deficit is controlled by below-ground hydraulics
M Abdalla, MA Ahmed, G Cai, F Wankmüller, N Schwartz, O Litig, ...
Annals of botany 129 (2), 161-170, 2021
Soil textures rather than root hairs dominate water uptake and soil-plant hydraulics under drought
G Cai, A Carminati, M Abdalla, MA Ahmed
Plant Physiology 187 (2), 858–872, 2021
Stomatal closure of tomato under drought is driven by an increase in soil–root hydraulic resistance
M Abdalla, A Carminati, G Cai, M Javaux, MA Ahmed
Plant, Cell & Environment 44 (2), 425-431, 2021
Construction of minirhizotron facilities for investigating root zone processes
G Cai, J Vanderborght, A Klotzsche, J van der Kruk, J Neumann, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 15 (9), vzj2016. 05.0043, 2016
Transpiration Reduction in Maize (Zea mays L) in Response to Soil Drying
F Hayat, MA Ahmed, M Zarebanadkouki, M Javaux, G Cai, A Carminati
Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 1695, 2020
The role of root hairs in water uptake: recent advances and future perspectives
G Cai, MA Ahmed
Journal of Experimental Botany 73 (11), 3330-3338, 2022
Incorporating a root water uptake model based on the hydraulic architecture approach in terrestrial systems simulations
M Sulis, V Couvreur, J Keune, G Cai, I Trebs, J Junk, P Shrestha, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 269, 28-45, 2019
Stomatal closure prevents the drop in soil water potential around roots
A Carminati, MA Ahmed, M Zarebanadkouki, G Cai, L Goran, M Javaux
New Phytologist 226, 1541–1543, 2020
Monitoring soil water content using time‐lapse horizontal borehole GPR data at the field‐plot scale
A Klotzsche, L Lärm, J Vanderborght, G Cai, S Morandage, M Zörner, ...
Vadose zone journal 18 (1), 190044, 2019
The role of UV-B radiation and precipitation on straw decomposition and topsoil C turnover
S Liu, R Hu, G Cai, S Lin, J Zhao, Y Li
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 77, 197-202, 2014
Transpiration response to soil drying and vapor pressure deficit is soil texture specific
G Cai, M König, A Carminati, M Abdalla, M Javaux, F Wankmüller, ...
Plant and Soil, 2022
Measurements and simulation of leaf xylem water potential and root water uptake in heterogeneous soil water contents
F Hayat, MA Ahmed, M Zarebanadkouki, G Cai, A Carminati
Advances in water resources 124, 96-105, 2019
Linear relation between leaf xylem water potential and transpiration in pearl millet during soil drying
G Cai, MA Ahmed, MA Dippold, M Zarebanadkouki, A Carminati
Plant and Soil 447, 565–578, 2020
Flooding effects on soil phenol oxidase activity and phenol release during rice straw decomposition
S Liu, R Hu, J Zhao, N Brüggemann, R Bol, G Cai, S Lin, M Shaaban
Journal of plant nutrition and soil science 177 (4), 541-547, 2014
Root architecture development in stony soils
S Morandage, J Vanderborght, M Zörner, G Cai, D Leitner, H Vereecken, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 20 (4), e20133, 2021
Coupled effects of soil drying and salinity on soil–plant hydraulics
M Abdalla, MA Ahmed, G Cai, M Zarebanadkauki, A Carminati
Plant Physiology 192 (2), 1228-1241, 2022
Quantification of root water uptake and redistribution using neutron imaging: a review and future directions
G Cai, C Tötzke, A Kaestner, MA Ahmed
The Plant Journal 111 (2), 348-359, 2022
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Articles 1–20