Emeritus Prof Derek Smith
Emeritus Prof Derek Smith
University of Cape Town
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Predictors of intention of IS professionals to stay with the organization in South Africa
M Igbaria, G Meredith, DC Smith
Information & Management 26 (5), 245-256, 1994
A project manager's optimism and stress management and IT project success
DC Smith, M Bruyns, S Evans
International Journal of managing projects in business 4 (1), 10-27, 2011
Career orientations of information systems employees in South Africa
M Igbaria, G Meredith, DC Smith
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 4 (4), 319-340, 1995
The personality of the systems analyst: an investigation
DC Smith
ACM SIGCPR Computer Personnel 12 (2), 12-14, 1989
Managing information technology projects
G McLeod, D Smith
Course Technology Press, 1995
A balanced approach to IT project management
S Brock, D Hendricks, S Linnell, D Smith
Proceedings of the 2003 annual research conference of the South African …, 2003
Antecedents of turnover intention and actual turnover among information systems personnel in South Africa
DC Smith, HL Speight
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGMIS CPR conference on computer personnel …, 2006
Toward a regional ontology for information systems project management
K Sewchurran, D Smith, D Roode
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 3 (4), 681-692, 2010
Benefits realisation management in information technology projects
DC Smith, H Dombo, N Nkehli
PICMET'08-2008 Portland International Conference on Management of …, 2008
Creating high performance IS teams
D Smith, M Becker, J Burns-Howell, J Kyriakides
South African Computer Journal, 21-29, 2002
Realizing the Value of Business Intelligence
D Smith, M Crossland
Advances in Information Systems Research, Education and Practice, 163-174, 2008
Risk factors affecting software projects in South Africa
D Smith, M Eastcroft, N Mahmood, H Rode
South African Journal of Business Management 37 (2), 55-65, 2006
Peer assessment: A complementary instrument to recognise individual contributions in IS student group projects
E Scott, N van der Merwe, D Smith
Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation 8 (1), pp61‑70-pp61‑70, 2005
A generic change model for the effective implementation of information systems
KE Jay, DC Smith
South African Journal of Business Management 27 (3), 65-70, 1996
The Effects of Student Syndrome, Stress, and Slack on Information Systems Development Projects
DC Smith
Information in Motion: Issues in Informing Science and Information …, 2010
Motivating information systems project team members: A theoretical perspective
D Smith
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 75, 260-263, 2004
Building highly effective information systems project teams: an explanatory study
DC Smith, M Harris, P Myersclough, A Wood
Project Management Research at the Turn of the Millenium, 419-429, 2000
Telework: Enablers and moderators when assessing organisational fit
FI van der Merwe, DC Smith
Proceedings of the Southern African Institute for Computer Scientist and …, 2014
How IT project managers cope with stress
D Smith, J de Passos, R Isaacs
Proceedings of the 2010 Special Interest Group on Management Information …, 2010
Educating the millennial student: Some challenges for academics
DC Smith
Proceedings of the 2006 SACLA Conference, 1-4, 2006
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Articles 1–20