Jared B. Shaw
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Cited by
Complete protein characterization using top-down mass spectrometry and ultraviolet photodissociation
JB Shaw, W Li, DD Holden, Y Zhang, J Griep-Raming, RT Fellers, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (34), 12646-12651, 2013
Informed-Proteomics: open-source software package for top-down proteomics
J Park, PD Piehowski, C Wilkins, M Zhou, J Mendoza, GM Fujimoto, ...
Nature methods 14 (9), 909-914, 2017
21 Tesla Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer greatly expands mass spectrometry toolbox
JB Shaw, TY Lin, FE Leach III, AV Tolmachev, N Tolić, EW Robinson, ...
Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 27 (12), 1929-1936, 2016
The first pilot project of the consortium for top‐down proteomics: a status report
X Dang, J Scotcher, S Wu, RK Chu, N Tolić, I Ntai, PM Thomas, RT Fellers, ...
Proteomics 14 (10), 1130-1140, 2014
Interlaboratory study for characterizing monoclonal antibodies by top-down and middle-down mass spectrometry
K Srzentic, L Fornelli, YO Tsybin, JA Loo, H Seckler, JN Agar, ...
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 31 (9), 1783-1802, 2020
Ultraviolet photodissociation for characterization of whole proteins on a chromatographic time scale
JR Cannon, MB Cammarata, SA Robotham, VC Cotham, JB Shaw, ...
Analytical chemistry 86 (4), 2185-2192, 2014
Sequencing grade tandem mass spectrometry for top–down proteomics using hybrid electron capture dissociation methods in a benchtop Orbitrap mass spectrometer
JB Shaw, N Malhan, YV Vasil’ev, NI Lopez, A Makarov, JS Beckman, ...
Analytical chemistry 90 (18), 10819-10827, 2018
Molecular characterization of organosulfur compounds in biodiesel and diesel fuel secondary organic aerosol
SL Blair, AC MacMillan, GT Drozd, AH Goldstein, RK Chu, L Paša-Tolić, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 51 (1), 119-127, 2017
Concurrent Automated Sequencing of the Glycan and Peptide Portions of O-Linked Glycopeptide Anions by Ultraviolet Photodissociation Mass Spectrometry
JA Madsen, BJ Ko, H Xu, JA Iwashkiw, SA Robotham, JB Shaw, ...
Analytical chemistry 85 (19), 9253-9261, 2013
Diurnal cycling of rhizosphere bacterial communities is associated with shifts in carbon metabolism
C Staley, AP Ferrieri, MM Tfaily, Y Cui, RK Chu, P Wang, JB Shaw, ...
Microbiome 5, 1-13, 2017
A unique deubiquitinase that deconjugates phosphoribosyl-linked protein ubiquitination
J Qiu, K Yu, X Fei, Y Liu, ES Nakayasu, PD Piehowski, JB Shaw, K Puvar, ...
Cell Research 27 (7), 865-881, 2017
Tyrosine sulfation in a Gram-negative bacterium
SW Han, SW Lee, O Bahar, B Schwessinger, MR Robinson, JB Shaw, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 1153, 2012
Direct determination of antibody chain pairing by top-down and middle-down mass spectrometry using electron capture dissociation and ultraviolet photodissociation
JB Shaw, W Liu, YV Vasil′ ev, CC Bracken, N Malhan, A Guthals, ...
Analytical chemistry 92 (1), 766-773, 2019
ProForma: a standard proteoform notation
RD LeDuc, V Schwammle, MR Shortreed, AJ Cesnik, SK Solntsev, ...
Journal of proteome research 17 (3), 1321-1325, 2018
Increasing the separation capacity of intact histone proteoforms chromatography coupling online weak cation exchange-HILIC to reversed phase LC UVPD-HRMS
AFG Gargano, JB Shaw, M Zhou, CS Wilkins, TL Fillmore, RJ Moore, ...
Journal of proteome research 17 (11), 3791-3800, 2018
Charge movement and structural changes in the gas-phase unfolding of multimeric protein complexes captured by native top-down mass spectrometry
M Zhou, W Liu, JB Shaw
Analytical Chemistry 92 (2), 1788-1795, 2019
Ambient metabolic profiling and imaging of biological samples with ultrahigh molecular resolution using laser ablation electrospray ionization 21 Tesla FTICR mass spectrometry
SA Stopka, LZ Samarah, JB Shaw, AV Liyu, D Veličković, BJ Agtuca, ...
Analytical chemistry 91 (8), 5028-5035, 2019
Antifungal symbiotic peptide NCR044 exhibits unique structure and multifaceted mechanisms of action that confer plant protection
DMS Siva L. S. Velivelli, Kirk J. Czymmek, Hui Li, Jared B. Shaw, Garry W ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (27), 16043-16054, 2020
Single-cell metabolic profiling: metabolite formulas from isotopic fine structures in heterogeneous plant cell populations
LZ Samarah, R Khattar, TH Tran, SA Stopka, CA Brantner, P Parlanti, ...
Analytical Chemistry 92 (10), 7289-7298, 2020
Implementing photodissociation in an Orbitrap mass spectrometer
LA Vasicek, AR Ledvina, J Shaw, J Griep-Raming, MS Westphall, ...
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 22 (6), 1105-1108, 2011
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Articles 1–20