Trait ratings for automated essay grading MD Shermis, CM Koch, EB Page, TZ Keith, S Harrington Educational and Psychological Measurement 62 (1), 5-18, 2002 | 119 | 2002 |
The role of disciplinary expertise in shaping writing tutorials S Dinitz, S Harrington The Writing Center Journal, 73-98, 2014 | 98 | 2014 |
On-line grading of student essays: PEG goes on the World Wide Web MD Shermis, HR Mzumara, J Olson, S Harrington Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 26 (3), 247-259, 2001 | 98 | 2001 |
WPA Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition1 S Harrington, R Malencyzk, I Peckham, K Rhodes, KB Yancey College English 63 (3), 321-325, 2001 | 98 | 2001 |
Organic writing assessment: Dynamic criteria mapping in action B Broad, L Adler-Kassner, B Alford, J Detweiler, H Estrem, S Harrington, ... University Press of Colorado, 2009 | 95 | 2009 |
Responsibility and composition’s future in the twenty-first century: Reframing “accountability” LA Kassner, S Harrington College Composition & Communication 62 (1), 73-99, 2010 | 78 | 2010 |
Basic writing as a political act: Public conversations about writing and literacies L Adler-Kassner, S Harrington Hampton Press (NJ), 2002 | 67 | 2002 |
The online writing classroom S Harrington, M Day, R Rickly, B Bowen The online writing classroom, 2000 | 57 | 2000 |
Revising FYC Outcomes for a Multimodal, Digitally Composed World: The WPA Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition (Version 3.0). DB Dryer, D Bowden, B Brunk-Chavez, S Harrington, B Halbritter, ... WPA: Writing Program Administration-Journal Of The Council Of Writing …, 2014 | 54 | 2014 |
The outcomes book: Debate and consensus after the WPA Outcomes Statement S Harrington, K Rhodes, R Fischer, R Malenczyk Utah State University Press, 2005 | 53 | 2005 |
" The Dilemma that Still Counts": Basic Writing at a Political Crossroads S Harrington, L Adler-Kassner Journal of Basic Writing, 3-24, 1998 | 46 | 1998 |
The influence of word processing on English placement test results S Harrington, MD Shermis, AL Rollins Computers and Composition 17 (2), 197-210, 2000 | 41 | 2000 |
Learning to ride the waves: Making decisions about placement testing S Harrington WPA: Writing Program Administration 28 (3), 9-29, 2005 | 33 | 2005 |
The Representation of Basic Writers in Basic Writing Scholarship, or Who Is Quentin Pierce? S Harrington Journal of Basic Writing, 91-107, 1999 | 30 | 1999 |
Power, partnership, and negotiations: The limits of collaboration S Harrington, S Fox, T Molinder Hogue WPA-LOGAN- 21, 52-64, 1998 | 25 | 1998 |
New Visions of Authority in Placement Test Rating. S Harrington WPA: Writing Program Administration 22, 53-84, 1998 | 19 | 1998 |
In the here and now: Public policy and basic writing L Adler-Kassner, S Harrington Journal of Basic Writing, 27-48, 2006 | 14 | 2006 |
Introduction: Celebrating and Complicating the Outcomes Statement S Harrington Harrington et al., xv–xix. Print, 2005 | 11 | 2005 |
Crossing institutional boundaries: Developing an entrance portfolio assessment to improve writing instruction E Decker, G Cooper, SM Harrington Journal of Teaching Writing 12 (1), 83-104, 1992 | 10 | 1992 |
Turning stories from the Writing Center into useful knowledge: Writing centers, WID programs, and partnerships for change S Harrington, S Dinitz, R Benner, L Davenport, B Hudson, K Warrender Writing Program and Writing Center Collaborations: Transcending Boundaries …, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |