Rüdiger Buß
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Cited by
60 GHz radio-over-fiber technologies for broadband wireless services
A Stöhr, A Akrout, R Buß, B Charbonnier, F van Dijk, A Enard, ...
Journal of Optical Networking 8 (5), 471-487, 2009
Optical energy transfer for intraocular microsystems studied in rabbits
T Laube, C Brockmann, R Buß, C Lau, K Höck, N Stawski, T Stieglitz, ...
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 242, 661-667, 2004
Optical signal and energy transmission for a retina implant
M Gross, R Buss, K Kohler, J Schaub, D Jager
Proceedings of the First Joint BMES/EMBS Conference. 1999 IEEE Engineering …, 1999
Electroabsorption modulators for broadband fiber electro-optic field sensors
A Stöhr, R Heinzelmann, T Alder, R Buss, D Jäger
Applications of Photonic Technology 2: Communications, Sensing, Materials …, 1997
Optical signal and energy transmission for implantable intraocular microsystems
R Buß, M Groß, F Prämaßing, D Püttjer, D Jäger
Proceedings of the World Microtechnologies Congress (Microtec 2000), 461, 2000
Intraocular vision aid (IOS): Optical signal transmission and image generation
F Pramassing, D Puttjer, R Buss, D Jager
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE …, 2000
Artificial vision: an application for short-distancefree-space optical interconnection
M Groß, R Buß, T Alder, R Heinzelmann, D Kalinowski, D Jäger
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 1 (2), 310, 1999
Micro photovoltaic cell array for energy transmission into the human eye
M Groß, T Alder, R Buß, R Heinzelmann, M Meininger, D Jäger
Proc. of the 14th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona …, 1997
8× 8 GaAsP/GaP LED Arrays Fully Integrated With 64 Channel Si-Driver Circuits
R Buß, M Groß, T Alder, W Brockherde, D Jäger
Applications of Photonic Technology 2: Communications, Sensing, Materials …, 1997
EMC measurements using electrooptic waveguide modulators
R Heinzelmann, A Stohr, T Alder, R Buß, D Jager
International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics. MWP'96 Technical …, 1996
Einsatz optoelektronischer Technologien in implantierbaren Mikrosystemen
R Buß
Lehrstuhl für Mikrocharakterisierung, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität …, 2002
LED-display for an intraocular microoptic system
D Puettjer, F Praemassing, R Buss, D Jaeger
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 47 (s1a), 164-166, 2002
LED-Based micro display for an intraocular vision aid (IOVA)
D Puttjer, F Pramassing, R Buss, D Jager
2001 Conference Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of …, 2001
Optical data links for artificial vision
R Buss, M Gross, F Pramassing, D Puttjer, D Jager
1999 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. LEOS'99. 12th Annual …, 1999
LED-based Micro-Display for an Intraocular Vision Aid (IoVA)
R Buß, F Prämaßing, D Püttjer, D Jäger
Proceedings of the World Microtechnologies Congress MICRO. tec 2, 453-456, 2000
Millimeter-Wave Photonic Devices for Optical Links: Trends and Applications
DJR Büß, RHA Stöhr
Near Infrared Light Transmission of In Vitro Porcine Opaque Corneas
N Alteheld, F Praemassing, M Schneider, D Püttjer, K Lill, R Buss, ...
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 44 (13), 3664-3664, 2003
Photonic technologies for visual implants
R Buss, F Prämaßing, D Puettjer, N Stawski, D Jaeger
Applications of Photonic Technology 5 4833, 77-84, 2003
Intraokulare Sehhilfe-Entwicklung der Komponenten und Aufbau des Gesamtsystems
I Krisch, A Schmid, BJ Hosticka, R Buß, F Prämaßing, D Püttjer, D Jäger
Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (Tagung) 2003, 2003
Einsatz optoelektronischer Technologien in implantierbaren Mikrosystemen-Application of opto-electronic technologies in implantable micro systems
R Buß
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Articles 1–20