Articles with public access mandates - Laura FeinsteinLearn more
Available somewhere: 5
The impact of using low-saline oilfield produced water for irrigation on water and soil quality in California
AJ Kondash, JH Redmon, E Lambertini, L Feinstein, E Weinthal, ...
Science of the Total Environment 733, 139392, 2020
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Drought and Equity in California
L Feinstein, R Phurisamban, A Ford, C Tyler, A Crawford
Pacific Institute, 80, 2017
Mandates: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
An Independent Scientific Assessment of Well Stimulation in California: Summary Report: an Examination of Hydraulic Fracturing and Acid Stimulations in the Oil and Gas Industry
JCS Long, J Birkholzer, L Feinstein, R Aines, BL Cypher, J Dieterich, ...
California Council on Science and Technology, 2015
Mandates: US Department of Energy
An Independent Scientific Assessment of Well Stimulation in California: Volume I: Well Stimulation Technologies and Their Past, Present and Potential Future Use in California
JCS Long, LC Feinstein, J Birkholzer, P Jordan, J Houseworth, ...
California Council on Science and Technology, 2015
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Is Food Irrigated with Oilfield‐Produced Water in the California Central Valley Safe to Eat? A Probabilistic Human Health Risk Assessment Evaluating Trace Metals Exposure
JH Redmon, AJ Kondash, D Womack, T Lillys, L Feinstein, L Cabrales, ...
Risk Analysis 41 (8), 1463-1477, 2021
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
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