Cora Un In Wong
Cora Un In Wong
Associate Professor at Macao Polytechnic University, Macao
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Tracking the evolution of a destination's image by text-mining online reviews-the case of Macau
CUI Wong, S Qi
Tourism management perspectives 23, 19-29, 2017
Buddhism and tourism: Perceptions of the monastic community at Pu-Tuo-Shan, China
CUI Wong, A McIntosh, C Ryan
Annals of Tourism Research 40, 213-234, 2013
The sanitization of colonial history: Authenticity, heritage interpretation and the case of Macau's tour guides
CUI Wong
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 21 (6), 915-931, 2013
Day tour itineraries: Searching for the balance between commercial needs and experiential desires
CUI Wong, B McKercher
Tourism Management 33 (6), 1360-1372, 2012
The Monasteries of Putuoshan, China: Sites of secular or religious tourism?
CUI Wong, C Ryan, A McIntosh
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 30 (6), 577-594, 2013
Tourist information center staff as knowledge brokers: The case of Macau
CUI Wong, B McKercher
Annals of Tourism Research 38 (2), 481-498, 2011
Profiling Macau cultural tourists by using user-generated content from online social media
S Qi, CUI Wong, N Chen, J Rong, J Du
Information Technology & Tourism 20, 217-236, 2018
Visitor management at a Buddhist sacred site
CUI Wong, A McIntosh, C Ryan
Journal of Travel Research 55 (5), 675-687, 2016
Toponymy, place name conversion and wayfinding: South Korean independent tourists in Macau
S Choi, CUI Wong
Tourism management perspectives 25, 13-22, 2018
Cultural tourism as salvation for petty capitalists: the pedicab drivers of the Las Vegas of the east
CUI Wong, WS Kuan
Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 12 (1), 18-32, 2014
The big Buddha of Hong Kong: an accidental Buddhist theme park
CUI Wong
Theming Asia, 26-45, 2018
Changing roles of tour guides: From “agent to serve” to “agent of change”
L Ren, CUI Wong, C Ma, Y Feng
Tourist Studies 24 (1), 55-74, 2024
Sojourners in Macau: Blurring binaries of home/away and work/leisure
S Choi, BL Iaquinto, CUI Wong
Leisure Studies 39 (6), 811-824, 2020
Social interaction in visitor control at a Chinese Buddhist monastic site
CUI Wong
Tourism Recreation Research 44 (1), 66-75, 2019
Web markers for various tour products—The case of Hong Kong
B McKercher, CUI Wong
Tourism Management Perspectives 8, 126-130, 2013
Interpreting the mixed model of sustained engagement in online gamified learning: A dual analysis based on MPLUS and FSQCA
F Li, H Zhang, CUI Wong, X Chen
Entertainment Computing 50, 100643, 2024
Tour guides’ dilemma under the pandemic: to stay or not to stay? An investigation of occupational loyalty among tour guides in Macao
L Ren, CUI Wong
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 26 (11), 1270-1283, 2021
The preservation of Macau's intangible colonial heritage: The case of Patuá
CUI Wong
Tourism Culture & Communication 14 (2), 91-102, 2014
Research on the spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors of Educational facilities based on POI Data: a case study of the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater …
B Chen, H Zhang, CUI Wong, X Chen, F Li, X Wei, J Shen
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 13 (7), 225, 2024
An application of apriori algorithm association rules mining to profiling the heritage visitors of Macau
S Qi, CUI Wong
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015: Proceedings of …, 2015
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