Armin Ehrenreich
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Cited by
Ferrous iron oxidation by anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria
F Widdel, S Schnell, S Heising, A Ehrenreich, B Assmus, B Schink
Nature 362 (6423), 834-836, 1993
Clostridium ljungdahlii represents a microbial production platform based on syngas
M Köpke, C Held, S Hujer, H Liesegang, A Wiezer, A Wollherr, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (29), 13087-13092, 2010
Anaerobic oxidation of ferrous iron by purple bacteria, a new type of phototrophic metabolism
A Ehrenreich, F Widdel
Applied and environmental microbiology 60 (12), 4517-4526, 1994
Complete genome sequence of the acetic acid bacterium Gluconobacter oxydans
C Prust, M Hoffmeister, H Liesegang, A Wiezer, WF Fricke, A Ehrenreich, ...
Nature biotechnology 23 (2), 195-200, 2005
The Complete Genome Sequence of Bacillus licheniformis DSM13, an Organism with Great Industrial Potential
B Veith, C Herzberg, S Steckel, J Feesche, KH Maurer, P Ehrenreich, ...
Journal of molecular microbiology and biotechnology 7 (4), 204-211, 2004
Gluconic acid: Properties, production methods and applications—An excellent opportunity for agro-industrial by-products and waste bio-valorization
AM Canete-Rodriguez, IM Santos-Duenas, JE Jimenez-Hornero, ...
Process biochemistry 51 (12), 1891-1903, 2016
DNA microarray technology for the microbiologist: an overview
A Ehrenreich
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 73 (2), 255-273, 2006
Selenoprotein synthesis in E. coli Purification and characterisation of the enzyme catalysing selenium activation
A Ehrenreich, K Forchhammer, P Tormay, B Veprek, A Böck
European journal of biochemistry 206 (3), 767-773, 1992
Physiology of Acetic Acid Bacteria in Light of the Genome Sequence of Gluconobacter oxydans
U Deppenmeier, A Ehrenreich
Journal of molecular microbiology and biotechnology 16 (1-2), 69-80, 2009
The extracellular proteome of Bacillus licheniformis grown in different media and under different nutrient starvation conditions
B Voigt, T Schweder, MJJB Sibbald, D Albrecht, A Ehrenreich, J Bernhardt, ...
Proteomics 6 (1), 268-281, 2006
Genome-Wide Gene Expression Analysis of the Switch between Acidogenesis and Solventogenesis in Continuous Cultures of Clostridium acetobutylicum
C Grimmler, H Janssen, D Krauβe, RJ Fischer, H Bahl, P Dürre, W Liebl, ...
Journal of molecular microbiology and biotechnology 20 (1), 1-15, 2011
Genome-wide transcriptome analyses of the ‘Knallgas’ bacterium Ralstonia eutropha H16 with regard to polyhydroxyalkanoate metabolism
K Peplinski, A Ehrenreich, C Döring, M Bömeke, F Reinecke, ...
Microbiology 156 (7), 2136-2152, 2010
Modifying the product pattern of Clostridium acetobutylicum Physiological effects of disrupting the acetate and acetone formation pathways
D Lehmann, D Hönicke, A Ehrenreich, M Schmidt, D Weuster-Botz, ...
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 94, 743-754, 2012
Transcriptional analysis of catabolite repression in Clostridium acetobutylicum growing on mixtures of D-glucose and D-xylose
C Grimmler, C Held, W Liebl, A Ehrenreich
Journal of biotechnology 150 (3), 315-323, 2010
Transcriptional and Metabolic Responses of Bacillus subtilis to the Availability of Organic Acids: Transcription Regulation Is Important but Not Sufficient To Account …
O Schilling, O Frick, C Herzberg, A Ehrenreich, E Heinzle, C Wittmann, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 73 (2), 499-507, 2007
A proteomic and transcriptional view of acidogenic and solventogenic steady-state cells of Clostridium acetobutylicum in a chemostat culture
H Janssen, C Döring, A Ehrenreich, B Voigt, M Hecker, H Bahl, RJ Fischer
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 87, 2209-2226, 2010
A proteomic view of cell physiology of Bacillus licheniformis
B Voigt, T Schweder, D Becher, A Ehrenreich, G Gottschalk, J Feesche, ...
Proteomics 4 (5), 1465-1490, 2004
DNA microarray analysis of Methanosarcina mazei Gö1 reveals adaptation to different methanogenic substrates
R Hovey, S Lentes, A Ehrenreich, K Salmon, K Saba, G Gottschalk, ...
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 273, 225-239, 2005
Alternative hosts for functional (meta) genome analysis
W Liebl, A Angelov, J Juergensen, J Chow, A Loeschcke, T Drepper, ...
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 98, 8099-8109, 2014
The glucose and nitrogen starvation response of Bacillus licheniformis
B Voigt, LT Hoi, B Juergen, D Albrecht, A Ehrenreich, B Veith, S Evers, ...
Proteomics 7 (3), 413-423, 2007
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Articles 1–20