Karin van der Worp
Karin van der Worp
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Cited by
From bilingualism to multilingualism in the workplace: The case of the Basque Autonomous Community
K Van der Worp, J Cenoz, D Gorter
Language policy 16, 407-432, 2017
Whose action research is it?: Promoting linguistically sensitive teacher education in Europe
M Bergroth, J Llompart-Esbert, N Pepiot, S Sierens, T Dražnik, ...
Educational Action Research 31 (2), 265-284, 2023
Identifying space for mainstreaming multilingual pedagogies in European initial teacher education policies
M Bergroth, J Llompart, N Pepiot, K Van Der Worp, T Dražnik, S Sierens
European Educational Research Journal 21 (5), 801-821, 2022
Linguistically sensitive teacher education: Toolkit for reflection tasks and action research
M Bergroth, T Dražnik, J Llompart Esbert, N Pepiot, K Van Der Worp, ...
Listiac Project, 2022
English Medium Instruction: a way towards linguistically better prepared professionals in the Basque Autonomous Community?
K van der Worp
International Journal of Multilingualism 14 (1), 53-68, 2017
Multilingual professionals in internationally operating companies: tensions in their linguistic repertoire?
K van der Worp, J Cenoz, D Gorter
Multilingua 37 (4), 353-375, 2018
Global and local forces in multilingual landscapes: A study of a local market
D Gorter, J Cenoz, K Van der Worp
Spaces of multilingualism, 188-212, 2021
Linguistically sensitive teaching in a multilingual context: perceptions of pre-service teachers of the Basque autonomous community
LI Aguirre, K van der Worp, E Saragueta, O Galdos, A Gaspar
Sustainable Multilingualism/Darnioji daugiakalbystė, 45-70, 2021
Language policy in business and industry: Between local and global developments
K Van der Worp, J Cenoz, D Gorter
Un (intended) language planning in a globalising world: Multiple levels of …, 2018
Effectiviteit van grammaticaonderwijs
E Arends, H Bakker, E Buunk, H Dijks, R de Goede, W Hillen, M Laumann, ...
Levende Talen Magazine 97 (7), 16-19, 2010
From bilingualism to multilingualism in the workplace: the case of the Basque Autonomous Community, in «Language Policy», vol. 16
K Van der Worp, J Cenoz, D Gorter
Multilingualism in the workplace: the voice of professionals
K Van der Worp
Universidad del País Vasco= Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2016
Hizkuntzen arteko elkarreragina: euskara, gaztelania eta ingelesezko ekoizpen idatziak
I Etxague, K van der Worp
Tantak. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Hezkuntza Aldizkaria 32 (2), 95-126, 2020
Correction to: From bilingualism to multilingualism in the workplace: the case of the Basque Autonomous Community
K van der Worp, J Cenoz, D Gorter
Language Policy 17, 417-417, 2018
La evaluación de los estudiantes en los másteres de Ciencias Sociales en la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), España.
A Santos, K van der Worp, JF Lukas, P Aramendi, E Arrieta
Revista complutense de educación 35 (1), 2024
Análisis de las competencias de los másteres de ciencias sociales de la UPV/EHU
AS Berrondo, K van der Worp, JFL Mujika
XX Congreso Internacional de Investigación Educativa: III Encuentro …, 2023
Hizkuntzekiko Irakaskuntza Sentsiblearen gaineko usteak: EAEko LHko irakaslegaien iritziak aztergai
AG Arraiza, O Galdos, E Saragueta, K Van der Worp, L Ituiño
Fontes linguae vasconum: Studia et documenta 55 (136), 321-345, 2023
Ciudad inclusiva y atención a la diversidad: una mirada desde los ayuntamientos
AS Berrondo, O Jimenez-Arrieta, K van der Worp
Pedagogías para la inclusión: respondiendo a la exclusión desde la …, 2023
UPV/EHUko Gizarte Zientzietako masterretako gaitasunen azterketa.
JFL Mujika, K Van Der Worp, AS Berrondo, EA Aranguren, PA Jauregi
Tantak. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Hezkuntza Aldizkaria 34 (1), 2022
The level of multilingualism of business students in the Basque Autonomous Community and their perceptions of languages
K van der Worp
Gazte eleaniztunak: mintzalari eta mintzagai, 285-303, 2022
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Articles 1–20