Kelly D. Sherbondy
Kelly D. Sherbondy
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Cited by
Spectrum allocation for noncooperative radar coexistence
AF Martone, KI Ranney, K Sherbondy, KA Gallagher, SD Blunt
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 54 (1), 90-105, 2017
Deep reinforcement learning control for radar detection and tracking in congested spectral environments
CE Thornton, MA Kozy, RM Buehrer, AF Martone, KD Sherbondy
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 6 (4), 1335-1349, 2020
Avoidance of time-varying radio frequency interference with software-defined cognitive radar
BH Kirk, RM Narayanan, KA Gallagher, AF Martone, KD Sherbondy
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 55 (3), 1090-1107, 2018
Experimental demonstration and analysis of cognitive spectrum sensing and notching for radar
B Ravenscroft, JW Owen, J Jakabosky, SD Blunt, AF Martone, ...
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 12 (12), 1466-1475, 2018
Cats: A color and thermal stereo benchmark
W Treible, P Saponaro, S Sorensen, A Kolagunda, M O'Neal, B Phelan, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2017
Reinforcement learning for adaptable bandwidth tracking radars
E Selvi, RM Buehrer, A Martone, K Sherbondy
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 56 (5), 3904-3921, 2020
Metacognition for radar coexistence
AF Martone, KD Sherbondy, JA Kovarskiy, BH Kirk, CE Thornton, ...
2020 IEEE International Radar Conference (RADAR), 55-60, 2020
Closing the loop on cognitive radar for spectrum sharing
AF Martone, KD Sherbondy, JA Kovarskiy, BH Kirk, RM Narayanan, ...
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 36 (9), 44-55, 2021
On the use of Markov decision processes in cognitive radar: An application to target tracking
E Selvi, RM Buehrer, A Martone, K Sherbondy
2018 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf18), 0537-0542, 2018
Passive sensing for adaptable radar bandwidth
A Martone, K Sherbondy, K Ranney, T Dogaru
2015 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarCon), 0280-0285, 2015
Design of ultrawideband stepped-frequency radar for imaging of obscured targets
BR Phelan, KI Ranney, KA Gallagher, JT Clark, KD Sherbondy, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (14), 4435-4446, 2017
Applying deep-Q networks to target tracking to improve cognitive radar
M Kozy, J Yu, RM Buehrer, A Martone, K Sherbondy
2019 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf), 1-6, 2019
Moving target indication with non-linear radar
KA Gallagher, RM Narayanan, GJ Mazzaro, KI Ranney, AF Martone, ...
2015 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarCon), 1428-1433, 2015
Static and moving target imaging using harmonic radar
KA Gallagher, RM Narayanan, GJ Mazzaro, AF Martone, KD Sherbondy
Electronics 6 (2), 30, 2017
Detection and classification of buried dielectric anomalies using a separated aperture sensor and a neural network discriminator
MR Azimi-Sadjadi, DE Poole, S Sheedvash, KD Sherbondy, SA Stricker
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 41 (1), 137-143, 1992
Mitigation of target distortion in pulse‐agile sensors via Richardson–Lucy deconvolution
BH Kirk, AF Martone, KD Sherbondy, RM Narayanan
Electronics Letters 55 (23), 1249-1252, 2019
Performance assessment of a blind test using the University of Mississippi's acoustic/seismic laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) mine detection apparatus at Fort AP Hill
EM Rosen, KD Sherbondy, JM Sabatier
Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets V 4038 …, 2000
Linearization of a harmonic radar transmitter by feed-forward filter reflection
KA Gallagher, RM Narayanan, GJ Mazzaro, KD Sherbondy
2014 IEEE Radar Conference, 1363-1368, 2014
Experimental demonstration of cognitive spectrum sensing & notching for radar
JW Owen, B Ravenscroft, BH Kirk, SD Blunt, CT Allen, AF Martone, ...
2018 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf18), 0957-0962, 2018
Analysis of spectral notching in FM noise radar using measured interference
B Ravenscroft, SD Blunt, C Allen, A Martone, K Sherbondy
International Conference on Radar Systems (Radar 2017), 1-6, 2017
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Articles 1–20