Andrew Putnis
Andrew Putnis
Professor, University of Münster; John Curtin Distinguished Emeritus Professor Curtin University
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Mineral replacement reactions: from macroscopic observations to microscopic mechanisms
A Putnis
Mineralogical Magazine 66 (5), 689-708, 2002
Mineral replacement reactions
A Putnis
Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry 70 (1), 87-124, 2009
An introduction to mineral sciences
A Putnis
Cambridge University Press, 1992
The mechanism of reequilibration of solids in the presence of a fluid phase
A Putnis, CV Putnis
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180 (5), 1783-1786, 2007
Coupled dissolution and precipitation at mineral–fluid interfaces
E Ruiz-Agudo, CV Putnis, A Putnis
Chemical Geology 383, 132-146, 2014
Fluid‐induced processes: metasomatism and metamorphism
A Putnis, H Austrheim
Geofluids 10 (1‐2), 254-269, 2010
The dissolution of apatite in the presence of aqueous metal cations at pH 2–7
E Valsami-Jones, KV Ragnarsdottir, A Putnis, D Bosbach, AJ Kemp, ...
Chemical Geology 151 (1-4), 215-233, 1998
The role of magnesium in the crystallization of calcite and aragonite in a porous medium
L Fernandez-Diaz, A Putnis, M Prieto, CV Putnis
Journal of sedimentary research 66 (3), 482-491, 1996
Molecular-scale mechanisms of crystal growth in barite
CM Pina, U Becker, P Risthaus, D Bosbach, A Putnis
Nature 395 (6701), 483-486, 1998
Aqueous corrosion of borosilicate glass under acidic conditions: a new corrosion mechanism
T Geisler, A Janssen, D Scheiter, T Stephan, J Berndt, A Putnis
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 356 (28-30), 1458-1465, 2010
Principles of mineral behaviour
A Putnis, JDC McConnell
(No Title), 1980
Mechanism and kinetics of pseudomorphic mineral replacement reactions: A case study of the replacement of pentlandite by violarite
F Xia, J Brugger, G Chen, Y Ngothai, B O’Neill, A Putnis, A Pring
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (7), 1945-1969, 2009
Direct observation of heavy metal-mineral association from the Clark Fork River Superfund Complex: Implications for metal transport and bioavailability
MF Hochella Jr, JN Moore, CV Putnis, A Putnis, T Kasama, DD Eberl
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 69 (7), 1651-1663, 2005
Fluid supersaturation and crystallization in porous media
A Putnis, M Prieto, L Fernandez-Diaz
Geological Magazine 132 (1), 1-13, 1995
Direct imaging of nanoscale magnetic interactions in minerals
RJ Harrison, RE Dunin-Borkowski, A Putnis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (26), 16556-16561, 2002
Interaction of calcium carbonates with lead in aqueous solutions
A Godelitsas, JM Astilleros, K Hallam, S Harissopoulos, A Putnis
Environmental science & technology 37 (15), 3351-3360, 2003
The replacement of plagioclase feldspars by albite: observations from hydrothermal experiments
J Hövelmann, A Putnis, T Geisler, BC Schmidt, U Golla-Schindler
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 159, 43-59, 2010
Replacement processes in the Earth's crust
A Putnis, T John
Elements 6 (3), 159-164, 2010
Nucleation, growth, and zoning phenomena in crystallizing (Ba, Sr) CO3, Ba (SO4, CrO4),(Ba, Sr) SO4, and (Cd, Ca) CO3 solid solutions from aqueous solutions
M Prieto, A Fernández-González, A Putnis, L Fernández-Díaz
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61 (16), 3383-3397, 1997
A TEM study of samples from acid mine drainage systems: Metal-mineral association with implications for transport
MF Hochella Jr, JN Moore, U Golla, A Putnis
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 63 (19-20), 3395-3406, 1999
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Articles 1–20