Basil Alzougool
Basil Alzougool
Arab Open University - Kuwait
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Cited by
E-commerce technology adoption: A Malaysian grocery SME retail sector study
S Kurnia, J Choudrie, RM Mahbubur, B Alzougool
Journal of Business Research 68 (9), 1906-1918, 2015
Home away from home: International students and their identity-based social networks in Australia
C Gomes, M Berry, B Alzougool, S Chang
Journal of International Students 4 (1), 2-15, 2014
The impact of motives for Facebook use on Facebook addiction among ordinary users in Jordan
B Alzougool
International Journal of Social Psychiatry 64 (6), 528–535, 2018
Adoption of Electronic commerce technologies by SMEs in Malaysia
S Kurnia, B Alzougool, M Ali, SM Alhashmi
2009 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-10, 2009
The use and continuance use of social media applications by small and medium enterprises in Kuwait
B Alzougool
Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication 68 (6/7), 471-490, 2019
Electronic commerce technologies adoption by SMEs: A conceptual study
B Alzougool, S Kurnia
Finding their way around: International students’ use of information sources
B Alzougool, S Chang, C Gomes, M Berry
Journal of Advanced Management Science 1 (1), 43-49, 2013
Towards a comprehensive understanding of health information needs
B Alzougool, S Chang, K Gray
Electronic Journal of Health Informatics 3 (2), 15, 2008
Mapping the contours of digital journeys: a study of international students’ social networks in Australian higher education
S Chang, C Gomes, M Platt, S Trumpour, D McKay, B Alzougool
Higher Education Research & Development 41 (6), 1821–1837, 2021
Transnational citizens and identities: International students’ self-perceived identities, their social networks and their consumption of entertainment media in Australia
C Gomes, B Alzougool
Proceeding of the 24th ISANA International Education Association Conference …, 2013
International students in the digital age: Do you know where your students go to for information
S Chang, B Alzougool, M Berry, C Gomes, S Smith, D Reeders
Proceedings of the Australian International Education Conference, 1-11, 2012
Women’s Leadership Styles in Private Sector in Jordan
DAQ Basil Alzougool, Khadiga Elbargathi, Hiba Habib, Basma Khalaf
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology 6 (3), 166-173, 2015
The nature and constitution of informal carers’ information needs: what you don’t know you need is as important as what you want to know
B Alzougool, S Chang, K Gray
information Research 18 (1), 18-1, 2013
Attitudes of Drivers towards Electric Vehicles in Kuwait
A Ottesen, S Banna, B Alzougool
Sustainability 14 (19), 12163, 2022
Myth busting stereotypes: The connections, disconnections and benefits of international student social networks
C Gomes, S Chang, L Jacka, D Coulter, B Alzougool, D Constantinidis
26th ISANA International Education Association Conference, Melbourne, 1-4, 2015
Search or explore: do you know what you're looking for?
J Pearce, S Chang, B Alzougool, G Kennedy, M Ainley, S Rodrigues
Proceedings of the 23rd Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference …, 2011
Towards a better understanding of SMEs’ perception of electronic commerce technology adoption
B Alzougool, S Kurnia
Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business 2 (3), 9-37, 2010
Women leadership styles in the public sector in Kuwait: The perspective of their subordinates
B Alzougool, J AlMansour, M AlAjmi
Management Science Letters 11 (2), 465-472, 2021
The Use of Smartphone for Learning Activities by University Students in Kuwait.
B Alzougool, J AlMansour
The 4th Teaching & Education Conference, 24 April 2017, to: 27 April 2017 …, 2017
How to Cross the Chasm for the Electric Vehicle World’s Laggards—A Case Study in Kuwait
A Ottesen, S Banna, B Alzougool
World Electric Vehicle Journal 14 (2), 45, 2023
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