Susanne Ferber
Susanne Ferber
Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto
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Spatial awareness is a function of the temporal not the posterior parietal lobe
HO Karnath, S Ferber, M Himmelbach
Nature 411 (6840), 950-953, 2001
How to assess spatial neglect-line bisection or cancellation tasks?
S Ferber, HO Karnath
Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology 23 (5), 599-607, 2001
The origin of contraversive pushing: evidence for a second graviceptive system in humans
HO Karnath, S Ferber, J Dichgans
Neurology 55 (9), 1298-1304, 2000
The neural representation of postural control in humans
HO Karnath, S Ferber, J Dichgans
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (25), 13931-13936, 2000
Sporadic cerebellar ataxia associated with gluten sensitivity
K Bürk, S Bösch, CA Müller, A Melms, C Zühlke, M Stern, I Besenthal, ...
Brain 124 (5), 1013-1019, 2001
Keeping time in the brain: Autism spectrum disorder and audiovisual temporal processing
RA Stevenson, M Segers, S Ferber, MD Barense, S Camarata, ...
Autism Research 9 (7), 720-738, 2016
Revisiting unilateral neglect
J Danckert, S Ferber
Neuropsychologia 44 (6), 987-1006, 2006
The impact of multisensory integration deficits on speech perception in children with autism spectrum disorders
RA Stevenson, M Segers, S Ferber, MD Barense, MT Wallace
Frontiers in psychology 5, 379, 2014
Multisensory speech perception in autism spectrum disorder: From phoneme to whole‐word perception
RA Stevenson, SH Baum, M Segers, S Ferber, MD Barense, MT Wallace
Autism Research 10 (7), 1280-1290, 2017
The associations between multisensory temporal processing and symptoms of schizophrenia
RA Stevenson, S Park, C Cochran, LG McIntosh, JP Noel, MD Barense, ...
Schizophrenia research 179, 97-103, 2017
Eye movements tell only half the story
S Ferber, J Danckert, M Joanisse, HC Goltz, MA Goodale
Neurology 60 (11), 1826-1829, 2003
Direct effects of prismatic lenses on visuomotor control: an event‐related functional MRI study
J Danckert, S Ferber, MA Goodale
European Journal of Neuroscience 28 (8), 1696-1704, 2008
The cascading influence of multisensory processing on speech perception in autism
RA Stevenson, M Segers, BL Ncube, KR Black, JM Bebko, S Ferber, ...
Autism 22 (5), 609-624, 2018
Neglected time: impaired temporal perception of multisecond intervals in unilateral neglect
J Danckert, S Ferber, C Pun, C Broderick, C Striemer, S Rock, D Stewart
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 19 (10), 1706-1720, 2007
Visual search elicits the electrophysiological marker of visual working memory
SM Emrich, N Al-Aidroos, J Pratt, S Ferber
PloS one 4 (11), e8042, 2009
Competition increases binding errors in visual working memory
SM Emrich, S Ferber
Journal of Vision 12 (4), 12-12, 2012
Linking anxiety and insistence on sameness in autistic children: The role of sensory hypersensitivity
KR Black, RA Stevenson, M Segers, BL Ncube, SZ Sun, A Philipp-Muller, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 47, 2459-2470, 2017
Selective, non-lateralized impairment of motor imagery following right parietal damage
J Danckert, S Ferber, T Doherty, H Steinmetz, D Nicolle, MA Goodale
Neurocase 8 (3), 194-204, 2002
Parietal and occipital lobe contributions to perception of straight ahead orientation
S Ferber, HO Karnath
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 67 (5), 572-578, 1999
Prognosis of contraversive pushing
HO Karnath, L Johannsen, D Broetz, S Ferber, J Dichgans
Journal of neurology 249, 1250-1253, 2002
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Articles 1–20