Hoi-Yin Hui
Hoi-Yin Hui
Physics Ph.D., University of Maryland
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Soft superconducting gap in semiconductor Majorana nanowires
S Takei, BM Fregoso, HY Hui, AM Lobos, S Das Sarma
Physical review letters 110 (18), 186803, 2013
Topological Yu-Shiba-Rusinov chain from spin-orbit coupling
PMR Brydon, S Das Sarma, HY Hui, JD Sau
Physical Review B 91 (6), 064505, 2015
Odd-parity superconductivity from phonon-mediated pairing: Application to
PMR Brydon, S Das Sarma, HY Hui, JD Sau
Physical Review B 90 (18), 184512, 2014
Majorana fermions in ferromagnetic chains on the surface of bulk spin-orbit coupled s-wave superconductors
HY Hui, PMR Brydon, JD Sau, S Tewari, SD Sarma
Scientific reports 5 (1), 8880, 2015
Bulk disorder in the superconductor affects proximity-induced topological superconductivity
HY Hui, JD Sau, SD Sarma
Phys. Rev. B 92, 174512, 2015
Avoidance of Majorana Resonances in Periodic Topological Superconductor-Nanowire Structures
JD Sau, CH Lin, HY Hui, SD Sarma
Physical Review Letters 108 (6), 067001, 2012
Robust two-qubit gates for exchange-coupled qubits
F Setiawan, HY Hui, JP Kestner, X Wang, SD Sarma
Physical Review B 89 (8), 085314, 2014
Equilibration dynamics of strongly interacting bosons in 2D lattices with disorder
M Yan, HY Hui, M Rigol, VW Scarola
Physical review letters 119 (7), 073002, 2017
Proposal for geometric generation of a biexciton in a quantum dot using a chirped pulse
HY Hui, RB Liu
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (15), 155315, 2008
Proximity-induced superconductivity and Josephson critical current in quantum spin Hall systems
HY Hui, AM Lobos, JD Sau, S Das Sarma
Physical Review B 90 (22), 224517, 2014
Generalized Eilenberger theory for Majorana zero-mode-carrying disordered -wave superconductors
HY Hui, JD Sau, S Das Sarma
Physical Review B 90 (6), 064516, 2014
Correlated spin-flip tunneling in a Fermi lattice gas
W Xu, W Morong, HY Hui, VW Scarola, B DeMarco
Physical Review A 98 (2), 023623, 2018
Quantum rotor theory of spinor condensates in tight traps
R Barnett, HY Hui, CH Lin, JD Sau, S Das Sarma
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (2), 023613, 2011
Dynamics of disordered states in the Bose-Hubbard model with confinement
M Yan, HY Hui, VW Scarola
Physical Review A 95 (5), 053624, 2017
Substrate-induced Majorana renormalization in topological nanowires
SD Sarma, HY Hui, PMR Brydon, JD Sau
New Journal of Physics 17 (7), 075001, 2015
Loop-structure stability of a double-well-lattice Bose-Einstein condensate
HY Hui, R Barnett, JV Porto, S Das Sarma
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (6), 063636, 2012
Quantum anomalous Hall state from spatially decaying interactions on the decorated honeycomb lattice
M Chen, HY Hui, S Tewari, VW Scarola
Physical Review B 97 (3), 035114, 2018
Superfluidity in the absence of kinetics in spin-orbit-coupled optical lattices
HY Hui, Y Zhang, C Zhang, VW Scarola
Physical Review A 95 (3), 033603, 2017
Spin-orbit-driven transitions between Mott insulators and finite-momentum superfluids of bosons in optical lattices
M Yan, Y Qian, HY Hui, M Gong, C Zhang, VW Scarola
Physical Review A 96 (5), 053619, 2017
-periodic dissipationless ac Josephson effect on a quantum spin Hall edge via a quantum magnetic impurity
HY Hui, JD Sau
Physical Review B 95 (1), 014505, 2017
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Articles 1–20