George S. Triantafyllou
George S. Triantafyllou
Professor of Hydrodynamics
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An efficient swimming machine
MS Triantafyllou, GS Triantafyllou
Scientific american 272 (3), 64-70, 1995
Hydrodynamics of fishlike swimming
MS Triantafyllou, GS Triantafyllou, DKP Yue
Annual review of fluid mechanics 32 (1), 33-53, 2000
Optimal thrust development in oscillating foils with application to fish propulsion
GS Triantafyllou, MS Triantafyllou, MA Grosenbaugh
Journal of Fluids and Structures 7 (2), 205-224, 1993
Wake mechanics for thrust generation in oscillating foils
MS Triantafyllou, GS Triantafyllou, R Gopalkrishnan
Physics of Fluids A Fluid Dynamics 3 (12), 2835, 1991
Three-dimensional dynamics and transition to turbulence in the wake of bluff objects
GE Karniadakis, GS Triantafyllou
Journal of fluid mechanics 238, 1-30, 1992
Frequency selection and asymptotic states in laminar wakes
GE Karniadakis, GS Triantafyllou
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 199, 441-469, 1989
Active vorticity control in a shear flow using a flapping foil
R Gopalkrishnan, MS Triantafyllou, GS Triantafyllou, D Barrett
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 274, 1-21, 1994
A high-level synthesis of oil spill response equipment and countermeasures
NP Ventikos, E Vergetis, HN Psaraftis, G Triantafyllou
Journal of hazardous materials 107 (1-2), 51-58, 2004
Efficient foil propulsion through vortex control
K Streitlien, GS Triantafyllou, MS Triantafyllou
Aiaa journal 34 (11), 2315-2319, 1996
On the formation of vortex streets behind stationary cylinders
GS Triantafyllou, MS Triantafyllou, C Chryssostomidis
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 170, 461-477, 1986
Elimination of vortex streets in bluff-body flows
S Dong, GS Triantafyllou, GE Karniadakis
Physical review letters 100 (20), 204501, 2008
The surface layer for free-surface turbulent flows
L Shen, X Zhang, DKP Yue, GS Triantafyllou
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 386, 167-212, 1999
Pragmatic riser VIV analysis
M Triantafyllou, G Triantafyllou, YSD Tein, BD Ambrose
Offshore technology conference, OTC-10931-MS, 1999
Spinodal decomposition in binary mixtures
R Mauri, R Shinnar, G Triantafyllou
Physical Review E 53 (3), 2613, 1996
Interaction of two‐dimensional separated flows with a free surface at low Froude numbers
GS Triantafyllou, AA Dimas
Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics 1 (11), 1813-1821, 1989
A new paradigm of propulsion and maneuvering for marine vehicles. Discussion. Authors' closure
MS Triantafyllou, DS Barrett, N Brown, B Morgan, DKP YUE, ...
Transactions-Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers 104, 81-100, 1996
Excitation, inertia, and drag forces on a cylinder vibrating transversely to a steady flow
L Kaiktsis, GS Triantafyllou, M Özbas
Journal of Fluids and Structures 23 (1), 1-21, 2007
Turbulent diffusion near a free surface
L Shen, GS Triantafyllou, DKP Yue
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 407, 145-166, 2000
Absolute instabilities and self-sustained oscillations in the wake of circular cylinders
GS Triantafyllou, K Kupfer, A Bers
Physical review letters 59 (17), 1914, 1987
Frequency coalescence and mode localization phenomena: a geometric theory
MS Triantafyllou, GS Triantafyllou
Journal of sound and vibration 150 (3), 485-500, 1991
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Articles 1–20