Martin Gareth Edwards
Martin Gareth Edwards
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Age and grip strength predict hand dexterity in adults
JA Martin, J Ramsay, C Hughes, DM Peters, MG Edwards
PloS one 10 (2), e0117598, 2015
Motor facilitation following action observation: A behavioural study in prehensile action
MG Edwards, GW Humphreys, U Castiello
Brain and cognition 53 (3), 495-502, 2003
Visual affordances direct action: Neuropsychological evidence from manual interference
MJ Riddoch, MG Edwards, GW Humphreys, R West, T Heafield
Cognitive Neuropsychology 15 (6-8), 645-683, 1998
Observing a human or a robotic hand grasping an object: Differential motor priming effects
U Castiello, D Lusher, M Mari, M Edwards, GW Humphreys
Common mechanisms in perception and action: Attention and performance XIX …, 2002
Examining the emotion aspect of PETTLEP-based imagery with penalty taking in soccer.
R Ramsey, J Cumming, MG Edwards, S Williams, C Brunning
Journal of Sport Behavior 33 (3), 295-314, 2010
Pointing and grasping in unilateral visual neglect: effect of on-line visual feedback in grasping
MG Edwards, GW Humphreys
Neuropsychologia 37 (8), 959-973, 1999
Performance improvements from imagery: evidence that internal visual imagery is superior to external visual imagery for slalom performance
N Callow, R Roberts, L Hardy, D Jiang, MG Edwards
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 697, 2013
Exploring a modified conceptualization of imagery direction and golf putting performance
R Ramsey, J Cumming, MG Edwards
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 6 (2), 207-223, 2008
Movement kinematics in prehension are affected by grasping objects of different mass
D Eastough, MG Edwards
Experimental brain research 176, 193-198, 2007
The neural substrates for the different modalities of movement imagery
D Jiang, MG Edwards, P Mullins, N Callow
Brain and cognition 97, 22-31, 2015
Attentional focus of feedback for improving performance of reach-to-grasp after stroke: a randomised crossover study
KF Durham, CM Sackley, CC Wright, AM Wing, MG Edwards, P Van Vliet
Physiotherapy 100 (2), 108-115, 2014
The functional equivalence between movement imagery, observation, and execution influences imagery ability
SE Williams, J Cumming, MG Edwards
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 82 (3), 555-564, 2011
Delay abolishes the obstacle avoidance deficit in unilateral optic ataxia
NJ Rice, MG Edwards, I Schindler, TD Punt, RD McIntosh, ...
Neuropsychologia 46 (5), 1549-1557, 2008
Imageability effects, phonological errors, and the relationship between auditory repetition and picture naming: Implications for models of auditory repetition
JR Hanley, J Kay, M Edwards
Cognitive Neuropsychology 19 (3), 193-206, 2002
The effect of brain injury terminology on university athletes' expected outcome from injury, familiarity and actual symptom report
M Weber, MG Edwards
Brain injury 24 (11), 1364-1371, 2010
Kinesthetic imagery provides additive benefits to internal visual imagery on slalom task performance
N Callow, D Jiang, R Roberts, MG Edwards
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 39 (1), 81-86, 2017
Discrepancies in accelerometer-measured physical activity in children due to cut-point non-equivalence and placement site
AC Routen, D Upton, MG Edwards, DM Peters
Journal of sports sciences 30 (12), 1303-1310, 2012
Concurrent validity of an immersive virtual reality version of the Box and Block Test to assess manual dexterity among patients with stroke
G Everard, Y Otmane-Tolba, Z Rosselli, T Pellissier, K Ajana, S Dehem, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 19 (1), 7, 2022
Contribution of the motor system to the perception of reachable space: An fMRI study
A Bartolo, Y Coello, MG Edwards, S Delepoulle, S Endo, AM Wing
European Journal of Neuroscience 40 (12), 3807-3817, 2014
Can chunk size differences explain developmental changes in lexical learning?
EHM Smalle, L Bogaerts, M Simonis, W Duyck, MPA Page, MG Edwards, ...
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1925, 2016
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