Bedru B. Balana, PhD
Bedru B. Balana, PhD
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
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Household livelihood strategies and forest dependence in the highlands of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
B Babulo, B Muys, F Nega, E Tollens, J Nyssen, J Deckers, E Mathijs
Agricultural systems 98 (2), 147-155, 2008
The economic contribution of forest resource use to rural livelihoods in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
B Babulo, B Muys, F Nega, E Tollens, J Nyssen, J Deckers, E Mathijs
Forest policy and Economics 11 (2), 109-117, 2009
Mitigating arable soil compaction: A review and analysis of available cost and benefit data
WCT Chamen, AP Moxey, W Towers, B Balana, PD Hallett
Soil and Tillage Research 146, 10-25, 2015
Socio-economic hurdles to widespread adoption of small-scale biogas digesters in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review
J Mwirigi, BB Balana, J Mugisha, P Walekhwa, R Melamu, S Nakami, ...
biomass and bioenergy 70, 17-25, 2014
A review on cost-effectiveness analysis of agri-environmental measures related to the EU WFD: Key issues, methods, and applications
BB Balana, A Vinten, B Slee
Ecological Economics 70 (6), 1021-1031, 2011
Assessing the sustainability of forest management: An application of multi-criteria decision analysis to community forests in northern Ethiopia
BB Balana, E Mathijs, B Muys
Journal of environmental management 91 (6), 1294-1304, 2010
Reservoir sedimentation and its mitigating strategies: a case study of Angereb reservoir (NW Ethiopia)
N Haregeweyn, B Melesse, A Tsunekawa, M Tsubo, D Meshesha, ...
Journal of Soils and Sediments 12, 291-305, 2012
Agricultural credit constraints in smallholder farming in developing countries: Evidence from Nigeria
BB Balana, MA Oyeyemi
World Development Sustainability 1, 100012, 2022
The potential of small-scale biogas digesters to alleviate poverty and improve long term sustainability of ecosystem services in Sub-Saharan Africa
JU Smith, G Austin, L Avery, B Balana
Interdisciplinary Expert Workshop, Kampala (Group I) and Addis Ababa (Group …, 2011
Economic and food security effects of small-scale irrigation technologies in northern Ghana
BB Balana, JC Bizimana, JW Richardson, N Lefore, Z Adimassu, ...
Water Resources and Economics 29, 100141, 2020
Factors determining the stability and productivity of small scale anaerobic digesters
L Naik, Z Gebreegziabher, V Tumwesige, BB Balana, J Mwirigi, G Austin
Biomass and bioenergy 70, 51-57, 2014
Can biogas digesters help to reduce deforestation in Africa?
M Subedi, RB Matthews, M Pogson, A Abegaz, BB Balana, ...
Biomass and Bioenergy 70, 87-98, 2014
Dis-adoption of household biogas technologies in Central Uganda
F Lwiza, J Mugisha, PN Walekhwa, J Smith, B Balana
Energy for Sustainable Development 37, 124-132, 2017
A cost-effectiveness analysis of water security and water quality: impacts of climate and land-use change on the River Thames system
PG Whitehead, J Crossman, BB Balana, MN Futter, S Comber, L Jin, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2013
Cost-benefit analysis of soil and water conservation measure: The case of exclosures in northern Ethiopia
BB Balana, B Muys, N Haregeweyn, K Descheemaeker, J Deckers, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 15, 27-36, 2012
Cost-effectiveness analysis of policy instruments for greenhouse gas emission mitigation in the agricultural sector
I Bakam, BB Balana, R Matthews
Journal of environmental management 112, 33-44, 2012
Application of the WFD cost proportionality principle to diffuse pollution mitigation: a case study for Scottish Lochs
AJA Vinten, J Martin-Ortega, K Glenk, P Booth, BB Balana, M MacLeod, ...
Journal of environmental management 97, 28-37, 2012
COVID-19, food insecurity and dietary diversity of households: Survey evidence from Nigeria
BB Balana, A Ogunniyi, M Oyeyemi, A Fasoranti, H Edeh, K Andam
Food Security 15 (1), 219-241, 2023
Demand and supply constraints of credit in smallholder farming: Evidence from Ethiopia and Tanzania
BB Balana, D Mekonnen, B Haile, F Hagos, S Yimam, C Ringler
World Development 159, 106033, 2022
Asssesing the effectiveness and impact of agricultural water management interventions: the case of small reservoirs in northern Ghana
D Acheampong, BB Balana, F Nimoh, RC Abaidoo
Agricultural Water Management 209, 163-170, 2018
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Articles 1–20