Jonathan Deborde
Jonathan Deborde
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Cited by
Amazon River carbon dioxide outgassing fuelled by wetlands
G Abril, JM Martinez, LF Artigas, P Moreira-Turcq, MF Benedetti, L Vidal, ...
Nature 505 (7483), 395-398, 2014
Tidal sands as biogeochemical reactors
P Anschutz, T Smith, A Mouret, J Deborde, S Bujan, D Poirier, P Lecroart
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 84 (1), 84-90, 2009
Divergent biophysical controls of aquatic CO2 and CH4 in the World’s two largest rivers
AV Borges, G Abril, F Darchambeau, CR Teodoru, J Deborde, LO Vidal, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 15614, 2015
Impacts of shrimp farm effluent on water quality, benthic metabolism and N-dynamics in a mangrove forest (New Caledonia)
N Molnar, DT Welsh, C Marchand, J Deborde, T Meziane
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 117, 12-21, 2013
Influence of mangrove zonation on CO2 fluxes at the sediment–air interface (New Caledonia)
A Leopold, C Marchand, J Deborde, C Chaduteau, M Allenbach
Geoderma 202, 62-70, 2013
The dynamics of phosphorus in turbid estuarine systems: Example of the Gironde estuary (France)
J Deborde, P Anschutz, G Chaillou, H Etcheber, MV Commarieu, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 52 (2), 862-872, 2007
Role of tidal pumping on nutrient cycling in a temperate lagoon (Arcachon Bay, France)
J Deborde, P Anschutz, I Auby, C Glé, MV Commarieu, D Maurer, ...
Marine Chemistry 109 (1-2), 98-114, 2008
Methane sources, sinks and fluxes in a temperate tidal Lagoon: The Arcachon lagoon (SW France)
J Deborde, P Anschutz, F Guérin, D Poirier, D Marty, G Boucher, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 89 (4), 256-266, 2010
Temporal variability of CO2 fluxes at the sediment-air interface in mangroves (New Caledonia)
A Leopold, C Marchand, J Deborde, M Allenbach
Science of the Total Environment 502, 617-626, 2015
Effects of seasonal dynamics in a Zostera noltii meadow on phosphorus and iron cycles in a tidal mudflat (Arcachon Bay, France)
J Deborde, G Abril, A Mouret, D Jézéquel, G Thouzeau, J Clavier, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 355, 59-71, 2008
Concentrations and fractionation of carbon, iron, sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus in mangrove sediments along an intertidal gradient (semi-arid climate, New Caledonia)
J Deborde, C Marchand, N Molnar, L Della Patrona, T Meziane
Journal of Marine science and Engineering 3 (1), 52-72, 2015
Net ecosystem CO2 exchange in the “Coeur de Voh” mangrove, New Caledonia: Effects of water stress on mangrove productivity in a semi-arid climate
A Leopold, C Marchand, A Renchon, J Deborde, T Quiniou, M Allenbach
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 223, 217-232, 2016
Anaerobic nitrification–denitrification mediated by Mn-oxides in meso-tidal sediments: Implications for N2 and N2O production
SO Fernandes, C Javanaud, A Aigle, VD Michotey, S Guasco, J Deborde, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 144, 1-8, 2015
Spatial and temporal CO2 exchanges measured by Eddy Covariance over a temperate intertidal flat and their relationships to net ecosystem production
P Polsenaere, E Lamaud, V Lafon, JM Bonnefond, P Bretel, B Delille, ...
Biogeosciences 9 (1), 249-268, 2012
Thermal enhancement of gas transfer velocity of CO2 in an Amazon floodplain lake revealed by eddy covariance measurements
P Polsenaere, J Deborde, G Detandt, LO Vidal, MAP Pérez, V Marieu, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (9), 1734-1740, 2013
Spectrophotometric determination of phosphate in matrices from sequential leaching of sediments
P Anschutz, J Deborde
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 14 (4), 245-256, 2016
In vitro simulation of oxic/suboxic diagenesis in an estuarine fluid mud subjected to redox oscillations
G Abril, MV Commarieu, H Etcheber, J Deborde, B Deflandre, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88 (2), 279-291, 2010
MMHg production and export from intertidal sediments to the water column of a tidal lagoon (Arcachon Bay, France)
S Bouchet, D Amouroux, P Rodriguez-Gonzalez, E Tessier, M Monperrus, ...
Biogeochemistry 114, 341-358, 2013
Benthic geochemistry of manganese in the Bay of Biscay, and sediment mass accumulation rate
A Mouret, P Anschutz, P Lecroart, G Chaillou, C Hyacinthe, J Deborde, ...
Geo-Marine Letters 29, 133-149, 2009
Meiofauna distribution in a mangrove forest exposed to shrimp farm effluents (New Caledonia)
L Della Patrona, C Marchand, C Hubas, N Molnar, J Deborde, T Meziane
Marine Environmental Research 119, 100-113, 2016
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Articles 1–20