Jackson Akpa
Jackson Akpa
Department of Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering, Rivers State University, Port-Harcourt, Rivers
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Cited by
Modification of cassava starch for industrial uses
JG Akpa, KK Dagde
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2 (6), 913-919, 2012
Production of cassava starch-based adhesive
AJ Gunorubon
Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Sciences 1 (4), 219-214, 2012
Adsorption of benzene on activated carbon from agricultural waste materials
JG Akpa, CGJ Nmegbu
Research Journal of Chemical Sciences …, 2014
Kinetics, Equilibrium and Thermodynamics studies of Fe3+ ion removal from aqueous solutions using periwinkle shell activated carbon
AJ Gunorubon, N Chukwunonso
Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science 8 (2), 49-66, 2018
Optimization of an Ammonia Synthesis Converter
JG Akpa, NR Raphael
world Journal of Engineering and Technology 2 (4), 305-313, 2014
Pinch analysis of heat exchanger networks in the crude distillation unit of Port-Harcourt refinery
JG Akpa, JU Okoroma
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences 3 (3), 475-484, 2012
Simulation of an Isothermal Catalytic Membrane Reactor for the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene
JG Akpa
Simulation 3, 2012
Modeling of a bioreactor for the fermentation of palmwine by Saccaharomyce cerevisiae (yeast) and lactobacillus (bacteria)
J Akpa
American journal of scientific and industrial research 3 (4), 231-239, 2012
Effect of activation method and agent on the characterization of prewinkle shell activated carbon
JG Akpa, KK Dagde
Process Engineering 56, 24-36, 2018
Simulation of a multi-component crude distillation column
JG Akpa, OD Umuze
Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res 4 (4), 366-77, 2013
Simulation and control of a reactor for the non-catalytic hydrolysis of ethylene oxide to ethylene glycol
JG Akpa, P Onuorah
Simulation 8 (2), 2018
Design modification and comparative analysis of glycol‐based natural gas dehydration plant
CO Wosu, JG Akpa, AA Wordu, E Ehirim, EM Ezeh
Applied Research 3 (5), e202300093, 2024
Comparative study on the analysis and utilization of citrus peels essential oil and pectin
EF Ibipiriene, JG Akpa, EO Ehirim
Iconic research and engineering journals 5 (7), 402-411, 2022
Numerical simulation of an industrial absorber for Dehydration of Natural Gas using triethylene glycol
KK Dagde, JG Akpa
Journal of Engineering 2014 (1), 693902, 2014
Optimization of crude distillation unit case study of the Port Harcourt Refining Company
Z Jaja, JG Akpa, KK Dagde
Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science 10 (3), 123-134, 2020
Simulation of an ammonia synthesis converter
AJ Gunorubon, RN Raphael
Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 8 (2), 2913-2923, 2014
Modeling and Simulation of Two-Staged Separation Process for an Onshore Early Production Facility
O Ademola, JG Akpa, KK Dagde
Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science 9 (02), 127, 2019
Evaluating the effective corrosion rate and control in a Nitrogenous fertilizer plant in Nigeria
SA Amadi, CP Ukpaka, J Akpa, KK Dune
Journal of Research in Engineering 2 (2), 26-33, 2007
Estimation of kinetic parameters of naphtha lump feeds
OE Ojong, AA Wordu, JG Akpa
European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology 6 (1), 71-83, 2019
Transient analysis of heat exchanger networks in the crude distillation unit of Port-Harcourt Refinery
JG Akpa, KK Dagde, JU Okoroma
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences 2 (5), 810-816, 2011
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Articles 1–20