Gatot F Hertono
Gatot F Hertono
Dept of Mathematics, Universitas Indonesia
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Kajian Indeks Validitas pada Algoritma K-Means Enhanced dan K-Means MMCA
AF Khairati, AA Adlina, GF Hertono, BD Handari
PRISMA, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika 2, 161-170, 2019
Multi-objective optimization model for sustainable Indonesian electricity system: Analysis of economic, environment, and adequacy of energy sources
WW Purwanto, YW Pratama, YS Nugroho, GF Hertono, D Hartono, ...
Renewable Energy 81, 308-318, 2015
An Ant Colony Optimization algorithm for solving the fixed destination multi-depot multiple traveling salesman problem with non-random parameters
T Ramadhani, GF Hertono, BD Handari
AIP Conference Proceedings 1862 (1), 2017
Support vector regression for predicting the number of dengue incidents in DKI Jakarta
IN Tanawi, V Vito, D Sarwinda, H Tasman, GF Hertono
Procedia Computer Science 179, 747-753, 2021
Stock portfolio optimization using priority index and genetic algorithm
VD Vasiani, BD Handari, GF Hertono
Journal of physics: conference series 1442 (1), 012031, 2020
Implementation of K-Means and crossover ant colony optimization algorithm on multiple traveling salesman problem
N Kusumahardhini, GF Hertono, BD Handari
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1442 (1), 012035, 2020
D., Deendarlianto, Tezuka, T., 2015. Multi-objective optimization model for sustainable Indonesian electricity system: Analysis of economic, environment, and adequacy of energy …
WW Purwanto, YW Pratama, YS Nugroho, H Warjito, H GF
Renewable Energy 81, 308-318, 0
Implementation of agglomerative clustering and genetic algorithm on stock portfolio optimization with possibilistic constraints
R Yusuf, BD Handari, GF Hertono
AIP conference proceedings 2168 (1), 2019
The modification of hybrid method of ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization and 3-OPT algorithm in traveling salesman problem
GF Hertono, BD Handari
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 974 (1), 012032, 2018
Agglomerative clustering and genetic algorithm in portfolio optimization
E Erica, BD Handari, GF Hertono
AIP Conference Proceedings 2023 (1), 2018
Implementation of clustered ant colony optimization in solving fixed destination multiple depot multiple traveling salesman problem
A Steven, GF Hertono, BD Handari
2017 1st International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences …, 2017
Design of student success prediction application in online learning using Fuzzy-KNN
SAA Kharis, GF Hertono, E Wahyuningrum, Y Yumiati, SR Irawan, ...
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika Dan Terapan 17 (2), 0969-0978, 2023
Implementation of iterative k-means-+ and ant colony optimization (ACO) in portfolio optimization problem
MA Rezani, GF Hertono, BD Handari
AIP conference proceedings 2242 (1), 2020
Comparing Restricted Boltzmann Machine–Backpropagation Neural Networks, Artificial Neural Network–Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network–Particle Swarm Optimization …
BD Handari, D Wulandari, NA Aquita, S Leandra, D Sarwinda, ...
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2022
Implementation of improved quick artificial bee colony algorithm on portfolio optimization problems with constraints
AP Sahala, GF Hertono, BD Handari
AIP conference proceedings 2242 (1), 2020
Predicting potential areas at risk of the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Jakarta, Indonesia—analyzing the accuracy of predictive hot spot analysis in the absence of small …
V Prasetya, V Vito, IN Tanawi, D Aldila, GF Hertono
Infection Ecology & Epidemiology 13 (1), 2218207, 2023
Ensemble learning model on Artificial Neural Network-Backpropagation (ANN-BP) architecture for coal pillar stability classification
GA Mendrofa, GF Hertono, BD Handari
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.16524, 2023
The comparison between extreme learning machine and artificial neural network-back propagation for predicting the dengue incidences number in DKI Jakarta
S Tiffany, D Sarwinda, BD Handari, GF Hertono
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1821 (1), 012025, 2021
Implementation of density-based spatial clustering of application with noise and genetic algorithm in portfolio optimization with constraint
RS Dinandra, GF Hertono, BD Handari
AIP Conference Proceedings 2168 (1), 2019
Clustered stocks weighting with ant colony optimization in portfolio optimization
A Steven, GF Hertono, BD Handari
AIP Conference Proceedings 2023 (1), 2018
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Articles 1–20