Melinda Ault
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Cited by
Teaching students with moderate to severe disabilities: Use of response prompting strategies
M Wolery, MJ Ault, P Doyle
Longman Publishing Group, 1992
Predictors of developmentally appropriate classroom practices in kindergarten through third grade
KL Maxwell, RA McWilliam, ML Hemmeter, MJ Ault, JW Schuster
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 16 (4), 431-452, 2001
System of least prompts: A literature review of procedural parameters
PM Doyle, M Wolery, MJ Ault, DL Gast
Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps 13 (1), 28-40, 1988
Constant time delay with discrete responses: A review of effectiveness and demographic, procedural, and methodological parameters
M Wolery, A Holcombe, C Cybriwsky, PM Doyle, JW Schuster, MJ Ault, ...
Research in Developmental Disabilities 13 (3), 239-266, 1992
Comparison of progressive and constant time-delay procedures in teaching community-sign word reading.
MJ Ault, DL Gast, M Wolery
American Journal of Mental Retardation: AJMR 93 (1), 44-56, 1988
Congregational participation and supports for children and adults with disabilities: Parent perceptions
MJ Ault, BC Collins, EW Carter
Intellectual and developmental disabilities 51 (1), 48-61, 2013
Comparison of constant time delay and the system of least prompts in teaching sight word reading to students with moderate retardation
DL Gast, MJ Ault, M Wolery, PM Doyle, S Belanger
Education and Training in Mental Retardation, 117-128, 1988
Who is using assistive technology in schools?
BS Quinn, M Behrmann, M Mastropieri, Y Chung, ME Bausch, MJ Ault
Journal of special education technology 24 (1), 1-13, 2009
Review of comparative studies in the instruction of students with moderate and severe handicaps
MJ Ault, M Wolery, PM Doyle, DL Gast
Exceptional Children 55 (4), 346-356, 1989
Comparison of constant time delay and the system of least prompts in teaching preschoolers with developmental delays
PM Doyle, M Wolery, DL Gast, MJ Ault, K Wiley
Research in Developmental Disabilities 11 (1), 1-22, 1990
Simultaneous prompting in a small group instructional arrangement
KC Singleton, JW Schuster, MJ Ault
Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities …, 1995
Constant time delay with chained tasks: A review of the literature
JW Schuster, TE Morse, MJ Ault, MR Crawford, M Wolery
Education and Treatment of Children, 74-106, 1998
Comparison of response prompting procedures in teaching numeral identification to autistic subjects
M Jones Ault, M Wolery, DL Gast, P Munson Doyle, V Eizenstat
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 18 (4), 627-636, 1988
Use of constant time delay in small group instruction: A study of observational and incidental learning
PM Doyle, DL Gast, M Wolery, MJ Ault, JA Farmer
The Journal of Special Education 23 (4), 369-385, 1990
Small group instruction: Guidelines for teachers of students with moderate to severe handicaps
BC Collins, DL Gast, MJ Ault, M Wolery
Education and Training in Mental Retardation, 18-32, 1991
Comparison of constant time delay and the system of least prompts in teaching chained tasks
M Wolery, AK Griffen, MJ Ault, DL Gast, PM Doyle
Education and Training in Mental Retardation, 243-257, 1990
Acquisition of incidental information during small group instruction
DL Gast, PM Doyle, M Wolery, MJ Ault, JL Baklarz
Education and Treatment of Children, 1-18, 1991
Teaching chained tasks in dyads: Acquisition of target and observational behaviors
M Wolery, MJ Ault, DL Gast, PM Doyle, AK Griffen
The Journal of Special Education 25 (2), 198-220, 1991
Inclusion of religion and spirituality in the special education literature
MJ Ault
The Journal of Special Education 44 (3), 176-189, 2010
Effects of presenting incidental information in consequent events on future learning
M Wolery, PM Doyle, MJ Ault, DL Gast, S Meyer, D Stinson
Journal of Behavioral Education 1, 79-104, 1991
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Articles 1–20