Reza Khoshkangini
Reza Khoshkangini
Senior Lecturer-Malmö University
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A hybrid machine learning approach for malicious behaviour detection and recognition in cloud computing
M Rabbani, YL Wang, R Khoshkangini, H Jelodar, R Zhao, P Hu
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 151, 102507, 2020
Automatic generation and recommendation of personalized challenges for gamification
R Khoshkangini, G Valetto, A Marconi, M Pistore
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 31, 1-34, 2021
A review on machine learning approaches for network malicious behavior detection in emerging technologies
M Rabbani, Y Wang, R Khoshkangini, H Jelodar, R Zhao, ...
Entropy 23 (5), 529, 2021
Early prediction of quality issues in automotive modern industry
R Khoshkangini, P Sheikholharam Mashhadi, P Berck, ...
Information 11 (7), 354, 2020
Hand drawn optical circuit recognition
M Rabbani, R Khoshkangini, HS Nagendraswamy, M Conti
Procedia Computer Science 84, 41-48, 2016
Efficient routing protocol via ant colony optimization (ACO) and breadth first search (BFS)
R Khoshkangini, S Zaboli, M Conti
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and …, 2014
Generating personalized challenges to enhance the persuasive power of gamification
R Khoshkangini, G Valetto, A Marconi
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Personalization in …, 2017
Embeddings based parallel stacked autoencoder approach for dimensionality reduction and predictive maintenance of vehicles
V Revanur, A Ayibiowu, M Rahat, R Khoshkangini
IoT Streams for Data-Driven Predictive Maintenance and IoT, Edge, and Mobile …, 2020
Predicting vehicle behavior using multi-task ensemble learning
R Khoshkangini, P Mashhadi, D Tegnered, J Lundström, T Rögnvaldsson
Expert systems with applications 212, 118716, 2023
Warranty claim rate prediction using logged vehicle data
R Khoshkangini, S Pashami, S Nowaczyk
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial …, 2019
Machine learning for personalized challenges in a gamified sustainable mobility scenario
R Khoshkangini, A Marconi, G Valetto
Extended abstracts publication of the annual symposium on computer-human …, 2017
A self-adaptive context-aware group recommender system
R Khoshkangini, MS Pini, F Rossi
AI* IA 2016 Advances in Artificial Intelligence: XVth International …, 2016
Forecasting components failures using ant colony optimization for predictive maintenance
R Khoshkangini, A Gupta, D Shahi, M Tajgardan, A Orand
31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, Angers, France, 19–23 …, 2021
Understanding association between logged vehicle data and vehicle marketing parameters: Using clustering and rule-based machine learning
O Dahl, F Johansson, R Khoshkangini, S Pashami, S Nowaczyk, P Claes
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Management …, 2020
Dynamically extracting play style in educational games
R Khoshkangini, S Ontanón, A Marconi, J Zhu
EUROSIS proceedings, GameOn, 2018
Energy efficient clustering using fuzzy logic
R Khoshkangini, S Zaboli, S Sampalli
Internatianl Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSM) 2, 8-14, 2013
Baysian network for failure prediction in different seasons
R Khoshkangini, S Nowaczyk, S Pashami
30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic …, 2020
Stock market prediction using multi-objective optimization
M Zolfaghari, H Fadishei, M Tajgardan, R Khoshkangini
2022 12th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering …, 2022
A design of context-aware framework for conditional preferences of group of users
R Khoshkangini, MS Pini, F Rossi
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel …, 2016
A snapshot-stacked ensemble and optimization approach for vehicle breakdown prediction
R Khoshkangini, M Tajgardan, J Lundström, M Rabbani, D Tegnered
Sensors 23 (12), 5621, 2023
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Articles 1–20