Mohammed Mostafizur Rahman
Mohammed Mostafizur Rahman
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Cited by
A brain-inspired trust management model to assure security in a cloud based IoT framework for neuroscience applications
M Mahmud, MS Kaiser, MM Rahman, MA Rahman, A Shabut, ...
Cognitive Computation 10 (5), 864-873, 2018
Teket: a tree-based unsupervised keyphrase extraction technique
G Rabby, S Azad, M Mahmud, KZ Zamli, MM Rahman
Cognitive Computation 12 (4), 811-833, 2020
A Flexible Keyphrase Extraction Technique for Academic Literature
G Rabby, S Azad, M Mahmud, KZ Zamli, MM Rahman
Procedia Computer Science 135, 553-563, 2018
Wind energy assessment for the coastal part of Bangladesh
MS Kaiser, MA Rahman, MM Rahman, SA Sharna
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1 (2), 87-92, 2006
Slow stimulus artifact removal through peak-valley detection of neuronal signals recorded from somatosensory cortex by high resolution brain-chip interface
M Mahmud, S Girardi, M Maschietto, MM Rahman, A Bertoldo, ...
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7-12 …, 2009
Service Oriented Architecture Based Web Application Model for Collaborative Biomedical Signal Analysis
M Mahmud, MM Rahman, D Travalin, P Raif, A Hussain
Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik 57 (SI-1 Track-N), 780-783, 2012
4P Model for Dynamic Prediction of COVID-19: a Statistical and Machine Learning Approach
KT Hasan, MM Rahman, MM Ahmmed, AA Chowdhury, MK Islam
Cognitive Computation, 1-14, 2021
Noise characterization of electrophysiological signals recorded from high resolution brain–chip interface
M Mahmud, S Girardi, M Maschietto, MM Rahman, A Bertoldo, ...
Proc. ISBB, 84-87, 2009
A PLS-SEM Approach to Connect Fertility, GDP, and Childhood Mortality with Female life Expectancy (FLE) in Bangladesh
MM Ahmmed, MA Babu, MA Hoque, MM Rahman
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE) 20 (4), 151-157, 2021
A brain-inspired trust management model to assure security in a cloud based IoT framework for neuroscience applications. Cogn. Comput. 10 (5), 864–873 (2018)
M Mahmud, MS Kaiser, MM Rahman, MA Rahman, A Shabut, ...
IEEE 802.11 b Packet Analysis to Improve Network Performance
MK Hasan, AHMA Ahsan, MM Rahman
JU Journal of Information Technology (JIT) 1, 27, 2012
The mathematical and machine learning models to forecast the COVID-19 outbreaks in Bangladesh
MA Babu, MM Ahmmed, A Ferdousi, M Mostafizur Rahman, ...
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 25 (3), 753-772, 2022
Na+ channels at postsynaptic muscle membrane affects synaptic transmission at Neuromuscular Junction: A simulation study
M Mahmud, MM Rahman, S Vassanelli
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012 Annual …, 2012
TeKET: a tree-based unsupervised keyphrase extraction technique. Cogn. Comput. 12 (4), 811–833 (2020)
G Rabby, S Azad, M Mahmud, KZ Zamli, MM Rahman
A Topical Review on Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Medical Things: Sensors, Devices, Platforms, and Applications
MS Arefin, MM Rahman, MT Hasan, M Mahmud
Micromachines 15 (4), 479, 2024
Effect of radiation on natural convection flow from a porous vertical plate in presence of heat generation
A Ferdousi, MM Rahman, MS Parvez, MA Alim
International Journal of Engineering 3 (4), 8269, 2013
Hybrid options analysis for power systems in St. Martin’s island
M Shamim Kaiser, AKM Fazlul Haque, M Arifur Rahman, ...
Journal of engineering and Applied Sciences 1, 257-261, 2006
TeKET: a tree-based unsupervised keyphrase extraction technique. Cogn. Comput.(2020)
G Rabby, S Azad, M Mahmud, KZ Zamli, MM Rahman
Researches in Effluence and Environmental flow of Turag River–a review
MM Rahman, A Ferdousi, MA Rob, MM Hasan
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE) 19 (1), 25-32, 2020
A novel integrated logistic regression model enhanced with recursive feature elimination and explainable artificial intelligence for dementia prediction
R Ahmed, N Fahad, MSU Miah, MJ Hossen, MK Morol, M Mahmud, ...
Healthcare Analytics, 100362, 2024
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Articles 1–20