Articles with public access mandates - Osamu SANDANBATALearn more
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Moment tensors of ring‐faulting at active volcanoes: Insights into vertical‐CLVD earthquakes at the Sierra Negra caldera, Galápagos Islands
O Sandanbata, H Kanamori, L Rivera, Z Zhan, S Watada, K Satake
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (6), e2021JB021693, 2021
Mandates: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Sub‐Decadal Volcanic Tsunamis Due To Submarine Trapdoor Faulting at Sumisu Caldera in the Izu–Bonin Arc
O Sandanbata, S Watada, K Satake, H Kanamori, L Rivera, Z Zhan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127 (9), e2022JB024213, 2022
Mandates: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Two volcanic tsunami events caused by trapdoor faulting at a submerged caldera near Curtis and Cheeseman Islands in the Kermadec Arc
O Sandanbata, S Watada, K Satake, H Kanamori, L Rivera
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (7), e2022GL101086, 2023
Mandates: Japan Science and Technology Agency
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