Yo Ehara
Yo Ehara
Assoc. Prof., Tokyo Gakugei University
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Cited by
Mining words in the minds of second language learners for learner-specific word difficulty
Y Ehara, I Sato, H Oiwa, H Nakagawa
Journal of Information Processing 26, 267-275, 2018
Building an English vocabulary knowledge dataset of Japanese English-as-a-second-language learners using crowdsourcing
Y Ehara
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
Formalizing word sampling for vocabulary prediction as graph-based active learning
Y Ehara, Y Miyao, H Oiwa, I Sato, H Nakagawa
Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2014
Personalized reading support for second-language web documents
Y Ehara, N Shimizu, T Ninomiya, H Nakagawa
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 4 (2), 1-19, 2013
Generating video description using sequence-to-sequence model with temporal attention
N Laokulrat, S Phan, N Nishida, R Shu, Y Ehara, N Okazaki, Y Miyao, ...
Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on …, 2016
Assessing Translation Ability through Vocabulary Ability Assessment.
Y Ehara, Y Baba, M Utiyama, E Sumita
IJCAI, 3712-3718, 2016
Personalized reading support for second-language web documents by collective intelligence
Y Ehara, N Shimizu, T Ninomiya, H Nakagawa
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2010
Multilingual text entry using automatic language detection
Y Ehara, K Tanaka-Ishii
Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language …, 2008
Uncertainty-aware personalized readability assessments for second language learners
Y Ehara
2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications …, 2019
No Meaning Left Unlearned: Predicting Learners' Knowledge of Atypical Meanings of Words from Vocabulary Tests for Their Typical Meanings.
Y Ehara
International Educational Data Mining Society, 2022
Lurat: a lightweight unsupervised automatic readability assessment toolkit for second language learners
Y Ehara
2021 ieee 33rd international conference on tools with artificial …, 2021
Inferring tourist behavior and purposes of a Twitter user
Y Nozawa, M Endo, Y Ehara, M Hirota, S Yokoyama, H Ishikawa
Trends in Artificial Intelligence: PRICAI 2016 Workshops: PeHealth 2016, I3A …, 2017
Visualizing high-risk paths using geo-tagged social data for disaster mitigation
M Kanno, Y Ehara, M Hirota, S Yokoyama, H Ishikawa
Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Location-based Social …, 2016
Interpreting neural CWI classifiers’ weights as vocabulary size
Y Ehara
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building …, 2020
Selecting reading texts suitable for incidental vocabulary learning by considering the estimated distribution of acquired vocabulary
Y Ehara
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 767, 2022
Neural rasch model: How do word embeddings adjust word difficulty?
Y Ehara
International Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational …, 2019
Language-independent prediction of psycholinguistic properties of words
Y Ehara
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language …, 2017
Live or stay?: Classifying twitter users into residents and visitors
M Hirota, K Saeki, Y Ehara, H Ishikawa
Proceedings of International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and …, 2016
Innovative software to efficiently learn English through extensive reading and personalized vocabulary acquisition
Y Ehara
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 187-192, 2023
Measuring Similarity between Manual Course Concepts and ChatGPT-generated Course Concepts.
Y Ehara
EDM, 2023
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Articles 1–20