Alfa Heryudono
Alfa Heryudono
Professor of Mathematics, UMass Dartmouth
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Cited by
A radial basis function partition of unity collocation method for convection–diffusion equations arising in financial applications
A Safdari-Vaighani, A Heryudono, E Larsson
Journal of Scientific Computing 64 (2), 341-367, 2015
Adaptive residual subsampling methods for radial basis function interpolation and collocation problems
TA Driscoll, ARH Heryudono
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 53 (6), 927-939, 2007
Stable computation of differentiation matrices and scattered node stencils based on Gaussian radial basis functions
E Larsson, E Lehto, A Heryudono, B Fornberg
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (4), A2096-A2119, 2013
A least squares radial basis function partition of unity method for solving PDEs
E Larsson, V Shcherbakov, A Heryudono
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (6), A2538-A2563, 2017
Single-equation models for the tear film in a blink cycle: realistic lid motion
A Heryudono, RJ Braun, TA Driscoll, KL Maki, LP Cook, PE King-Smith
Mathematical medicine and biology: a journal of the IMA 24 (4), 347-377, 2007
Preconditioning for radial basis function partition of unity methods
A Heryudono, E Larsson, A Ramage, L von Sydow
Journal of Scientific Computing 67, 1089-1109, 2016
Radial basis function interpolation on irregular domain through conformal transplantation
ARH Heryudono, TA Driscoll
Journal of Scientific Computing 44 (3), 286-300, 2010
A least squares radial basis function finite difference method with improved stability properties
I Tominec, E Larsson, A Heryudono
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 43 (2), A1441-A1471, 2021
Radial basis function methods for the Rosenau equation and other higher order PDEs
A Safdari-Vaighani, E Larsson, A Heryudono
Journal of Scientific Computing 75, 1555-1580, 2018
A reduced radial basis function method for partial differential equations on irregular domains
Y Chen, S Gottlieb, A Heryudono, A Narayan
Journal of Scientific Computing 66 (1), 67-90, 2016
Data-driven methods for stress field predictions in random heterogeneous materials
E Hoq, O Aljarrah, J Li, J Bi, A Heryudono, W Huang
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 123, 106267, 2023
Predicting part distortion field in additive manufacturing: a data-driven framework
O Aljarrah, J Li, A Heryudono, W Huang, J Bi
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 34 (4), 1975-1993, 2023
A partition of unity radial basis function collocation method for partial differential equations£
E Larsson, A Heryudono
3rd Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and Applications …, 0
Radial Basis Function Methods in Computational Finance
E Larsson, S Gomes, A Heryudono, A Safdari-Vaighani
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational and …, 0
ARIMA-GMDH: a low-order integrated approach for predicting and optimizing the additive manufacturing process parameters
O Aljarrah, J Li, W Huang, A Heryudono, J Bi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 106 (1), 701-717, 2020
Free vibration analysis of Euler-Bernoulli beams with non-ideal clamped boundary conditions by using Padé approximation
ARH Heryudono, J Lee
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 33, 1169-1175, 2019
Prediction of printing failure of a 3D printed drone propeller using fused deposition modeling
P Biswas, A Heryudono, J Li, J Bi
Science in the Age of Experience: Boston, MA, USA, 2018
An adaptive interpolation scheme for molecular potential energy surfaces
M Kowalewski, E Larsson, A Heryudono
The Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (8), 2016
Adaptive radial basis function methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations, with application to the simulation of the human tear film
ARH Heryudono
University of Delaware, 2008
Performance evaluation of mixed-precision Runge-Kutta methods
B Burnett, S Gottlieb, ZJ Grant, A Heryudono
2021 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 1-6, 2021
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Articles 1–20