Frédéric Gachon
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The circadian PAR-domain basic leucine zipper transcription factors DBP, TEF, and HLF modulate basal and inducible xenobiotic detoxification
F Gachon, FF Olela, O Schaad, P Descombes, U Schibler
Cell metabolism 4 (1), 25-36, 2006
The complementary strand of the human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 RNA genome encodes a bZIP transcription factor that down-regulates viral transcription
G Gaudray, F Gachon, J Basbous, M Biard-Piechaczyk, C Devaux, ...
Journal of virology 76 (24), 12813-12822, 2002
The mammalian circadian timing system: from gene expression to physiology
F Gachon, E Nagoshi, SA Brown, J Ripperger, U Schibler
Chromosoma 113 (3), 103-112, 2004
Circadian clock-dependent and-independent rhythmic proteomes implement distinct diurnal functions in mouse liver
D Mauvoisin, J Wang, C Jouffe, E Martin, F Atger, P Waridel, M Quadroni, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (1), 167-172, 2014
The circadian clock coordinates ribosome biogenesis
C Jouffe, G Cretenet, L Symul, E Martin, F Atger, F Naef, F Gachon
PLoS biology 11 (1), e1001455, 2013
The loss of circadian PAR bZip transcription factors results in epilepsy
F Gachon, P Fonjallaz, F Damiola, P Gos, T Kodama, J Zakany, ...
Genes & development 18 (12), 1397-1412, 2004
Medicine in the Fourth Dimension
CR Cederroth, U Albrecht, J Bass, SA Brown, J Dyhrfjeld-Johnsen, ...
Cell Metabolism 30 (2), 238-250, 2019
Chronopharmacology: new insights and therapeutic implications
R Dallmann, SA Brown, F Gachon
Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology 54, 339-361, 2014
Guidelines for Genome-Scale Analysis of Biological Rhythms
ME Hughes, KC Abruzzi, R Allada, R Anafi, AB Arpat, G Asher, P Baldi, ...
Journal of Biological Rhythms 32 (5), 380-393, 2017
The mouse microbiome is required for sex-specific diurnal rhythms of gene expression and metabolism
BD Weger, C Gobet, J Yeung, E Martin, S Jimenez, B Betrisey, F Foata, ...
Cell metabolism 29 (2), 362-382. e8, 2019
Circadian and feeding rhythms differentially affect rhythmic mRNA transcription and translation in mouse liver
F Atger, C Gobet, J Marquis, E Martin, J Wang, B Weger, G Lefebvre, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (47), E6579-E6588, 2015
Chronotype: Implications for epidemiologic studies on chrono-nutrition and cardiometabolic health
S Almoosawi, S Vingeliene, F Gachon, T Voortman, L Palla, JD Johnston, ...
Advances in Nutrition 10 (1), 30-42, 2019
Diurnal Oscillations in Liver Mass and Cell Size Accompany Ribosome Assembly Cycles
F Sinturel, A Gerber, D Mauvoisin, J Wang, D Gatfield, JJ Stubblefield, ...
Cell 169 (4), 651-663. e14, 2017
Circadian clock-coordinated 12 hr period rhythmic activation of the IRE1α pathway controls lipid metabolism in mouse liver
G Cretenet, M Le Clech, F Gachon
Cell metabolism 11 (1), 47-57, 2010
Nuclear Proteomics Uncovers Diurnal Regulatory Landscapes in Mouse Liver
J Wang, D Mauvoisin, E Martin, F Atger, AN Galindo, L Dayon, F Sizzano, ...
Cell Metabolism 25 (1), 102-117, 2017
Transcriptomic analyses reveal rhythmic and CLOCK-driven pathways in human skeletal muscle
L Perrin, U Loizides-Mangold, S Chanon, C Gobet, N Hulo, L Isenegger, ...
eLife 7, e34114, 2018
Systematic analysis of differential rhythmic liver gene expression mediated by the circadian clock and feeding rhythms
BD Weger, C Gobet, FPA David, F Atger, E Martin, NE Phillips, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (3), e2015803118, 2021
Local Renal Circadian Clocks Control Fluid–Electrolyte Homeostasis and BP
N Tokonami, D Mordasini, S Pradervand, G Centeno, C Jouffe, M Maillard, ...
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 25 (7), 1430-1439, 2014
Neuronal activity regulates blood-brain barrier efflux transport through endothelial circadian genes
RS Pulido, RN Munji, TC Chan, CR Quirk, GA Weiner, BD Weger, ...
Neuron 108 (5), 937-952. e7, 2020
CREB-2, a cellular CRE-dependent transcription repressor, functions in association with Tax as an activator of the human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 promoter
F Gachon, A Peleraux, S Thebault, J Dick, I Lemasson, C Devaux, ...
Journal of virology 72 (10), 8332-8337, 1998
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Articles 1–20