Duje Tadin
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Perceptual consequences of centre–surround antagonism in visual motion processing
D Tadin, JS Lappin, LA Gilroy, R Blake
Nature 424 (6946), 312-315, 2003
Strength of early visual adaptation depends on visual awareness
R Blake, D Tadin, KV Sobel, TA Raissian, SC Chong
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (12), 4783-4788, 2006
Weakened center-surround interactions in visual motion processing in schizophrenia
D Tadin, J Kim, ML Doop, C Gibson, JS Lappin, R Blake, S Park
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (44), 11403-11412, 2006
Endogenous attention prolongs dominance durations in binocular rivalry
SC Chong, D Tadin, R Blake
Journal of vision 5 (11), 6-6, 2005
A substantial and unexpected enhancement of motion perception in autism
JH Foss-Feig, D Tadin, KB Schauder, CJ Cascio
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (19), 8243-8249, 2013
A strong interactive link between sensory discriminations and intelligence
MD Melnick, BR Harrison, S Park, L Bennetto, D Tadin
Current biology 23 (11), 1013-1017, 2013
Unifying account of visual motion and position perception
OS Kwon, D Tadin, DC Knill
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (26), 8142-8147, 2015
Beyond blindsight: properties of visual relearning in cortically blind fields
A Das, D Tadin, KR Huxlin
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (35), 11652-11664, 2014
Visual context processing in schizophrenia
E Yang, D Tadin, DM Glasser, SW Hong, R Blake, S Park
Clinical psychological science 1 (1), 5-15, 2013
Perceptual and neural consequences of rapid motion adaptation
DM Glasser, JMG Tsui, CC Pack, D Tadin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (45), E1080-E1088, 2011
Improved motion perception and impaired spatial suppression following disruption of cortical area MT/V5
D Tadin, J Silvanto, A Pascual-Leone, L Battelli
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (4), 1279-1283, 2011
Boosting learning efficacy with noninvasive brain stimulation in intact and brain-damaged humans
F Herpich, MD Melnick, S Agosta, KR Huxlin, D Tadin, L Battelli
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (28), 5551-5561, 2019
Cognitive and neural effects of vision‐based speed‐of‐processing training in older adults with amnestic mild cognitive impairment: A pilot study
F Lin, KL Heffner, P Ren, ME Tivarus, J Brasch, DG Chen, M Mapstone, ...
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 64 (6), 1293-1298, 2016
Distinct neural mechanisms for body form and body motion discriminations
J Vangeneugden, MV Peelen, D Tadin, L Battelli
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (2), 574-585, 2014
Relearning to see in cortical blindness
MD Melnick, D Tadin, KR Huxlin
The Neuroscientist 22 (2), 199-212, 2016
Spatial and temporal limits of motion perception across variations in speed, eccentricity, and low vision
JS Lappin, D Tadin, JB Nyquist, AL Corn
Journal of vision 9 (1), 30-30, 2009
Optimal size for perceiving motion decreases with contrast
D Tadin, JS Lappin
Vision research 45 (16), 2059-2064, 2005
High internal noise and poor external noise filtering characterize perception in autism spectrum disorder
WJ Park, KB Schauder, R Zhang, L Bennetto, D Tadin
Scientific reports 7 (1), 17584, 2017
Understanding attentional modulation of binocular rivalry: a framework based on biased competition
K Dieter, D Tadin
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2011
Suppressive mechanisms in visual motion processing: From perception to intelligence
D Tadin
Vision research 115, 58-70, 2015
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Articles 1–20