How emotion shapes behavior: Feedback, anticipation, and reflection, rather than direct causation RF Baumeister, KD Vohs, C Nathan DeWall, L Zhang Personality and social psychology review 11 (2), 167-203, 2007 | 2403 | 2007 |
Social exclusion impairs self-regulation. RF Baumeister, CN DeWall, NJ Ciarocco, JM Twenge Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (4), 589, 2005 | 2217 | 2005 |
Self-control relies on glucose as a limited energy source: willpower is more than a metaphor. MT Gailliot, RF Baumeister, CN DeWall, JK Maner, EA Plant, DM Tice, ... Journal of personality and social psychology 92 (2), 325, 2007 | 2188 | 2007 |
Social exclusion decreases prosocial behavior. JM Twenge, RF Baumeister, CN DeWall, NJ Ciarocco, JM Bartels Journal of personality and social psychology 92 (1), 56, 2007 | 2071 | 2007 |
Does social exclusion motivate interpersonal reconnection? Resolving the" porcupine problem." JK Maner, CN DeWall, RF Baumeister, M Schaller Journal of personality and social psychology 92 (1), 42, 2007 | 1859 | 2007 |
Self‐regulation and personality: How interventions increase regulatory success, and how depletion moderates the effects of traits on behavior RF Baumeister, M Gailliot, CN DeWall, M Oaten Journal of personality 74 (6), 1773-1802, 2006 | 1498 | 2006 |
Violence restrained: Effects of self-regulation and its depletion on aggression CN DeWall, RF Baumeister, TF Stillman, MT Gailliot Journal of Experimental social psychology 43 (1), 62-76, 2007 | 1200 | 2007 |
Birth cohort increases in psychopathology among young Americans, 1938–2007: A cross-temporal meta-analysis of the MMPI JM Twenge, B Gentile, CN DeWall, D Ma, K Lacefield, DR Schurtz Clinical psychology review 30 (2), 145-154, 2010 | 874 | 2010 |
The general aggression model: Theoretical extensions to violence. CN DeWall, CA Anderson, BJ Bushman Psychology of violence 1 (3), 245, 2011 | 853 | 2011 |
Alone but feeling no pain: Effects of social exclusion on physical pain tolerance and pain threshold, affective forecasting, and interpersonal empathy. CN DeWall, RF Baumeister Journal of personality and social psychology 91 (1), 1, 2006 | 849 | 2006 |
Alone and without purpose: Life loses meaning following social exclusion TF Stillman, RF Baumeister, NM Lambert, AW Crescioni, CN DeWall, ... Journal of experimental social psychology 45 (4), 686-694, 2009 | 814 | 2009 |
Acetaminophen reduces social pain: Behavioral and neural evidence CN DeWall, G MacDonald, GD Webster, CL Masten, RF Baumeister, ... Psychological science 21 (7), 931-937, 2010 | 765 | 2010 |
Prosocial benefits of feeling free: Disbelief in free will increases aggression and reduces helpfulness RF Baumeister, EJ Masicampo, CN DeWall Personality and social psychology bulletin 35 (2), 260-268, 2009 | 746 | 2009 |
Self-regulatory failure and intimate partner violence perpetration. EJ Finkel, CN DeWall, EB Slotter, M Oaten, VA Foshee Journal of personality and social psychology 97 (3), 483, 2009 | 656 | 2009 |
Depletion makes the heart grow less helpful: Helping as a function of self-regulatory energy and genetic relatedness CN DeWall, RF Baumeister, MT Gailliot, JK Maner Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34 (12), 1653-1662, 2008 | 640 | 2008 |
Social exclusion and early-stage interpersonal perception: selective attention to signs of acceptance. CN DeWall, JK Maner, DA Rouby Journal of personality and social psychology 96 (4), 729, 2009 | 629 | 2009 |
Self-control and aggression TF Denson, CN DeWall, EJ Finkel Current directions in psychological science 21 (1), 20-25, 2012 | 586 | 2012 |
It's the thought that counts: The role of hostile cognition in shaping aggressive responses to social exclusion. CN DeWall, JM Twenge, SA Gitter, RF Baumeister Journal of personality and social psychology 96 (1), 45, 2009 | 539 | 2009 |
Social acceptance and rejection: The sweet and the bitter CN DeWall, BJ Bushman Current Directions in Psychological Science 20 (4), 256-260, 2011 | 442 | 2011 |
Satiated with belongingness? Effects of acceptance, rejection, and task framing on self-regulatory performance. CN DeWall, RF Baumeister, KD Vohs Journal of personality and social psychology 95 (6), 1367, 2008 | 357 | 2008 |