Seunghyun Park
Seunghyun Park
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Cited by
Swad: Domain generalization by seeking flat minima
J Cha, S Chun, K Lee, HC Cho, S Park, Y Lee, S Park
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 22405-22418, 2021
Ocr-free document understanding transformer
G Kim, T Hong, M Yim, JY Nam, J Park, J Yim, W Hwang, S Yun, D Han, ...
European Conference on Computer Vision, 498-517, 2022
Selfreg: Self-supervised contrastive regularization for domain generalization
D Kim, Y Yoo, S Park, J Kim, J Lee
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
A comprehensive exploration on wikisql with table-aware word contextualization
W Hwang, J Yim, S Park, M Seo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.01069, 2019
CORD: a consolidated receipt dataset for post-OCR parsing
S Park, S Shin, B Lee, J Lee, J Surh, M Seo, H Lee
Workshop on Document Intelligence at NeurIPS 2019, 2019
Deep recurrent neural network-based identification of precursor micrornas
S Park, S Min, HS Choi, S Yoon
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30, 2017
deepTarget: end-to-end learning framework for microRNA target prediction using deep recurrent neural networks
B Lee, J Baek, S Park, S Yoon
Proceedings of the 7th ACM international conference on bioinformatics …, 2016
Spatial dependency parsing for semi-structured document information extraction
W Hwang, J Yim, S Park, S Yang, M Seo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.00642, 2020
HiTRACE: high-throughput robust analysis for capillary electrophoresis
S Yoon, J Kim, J Hum, H Kim, S Park, W Kladwang, R Das
Bioinformatics 27 (13), 1798-1805, 2011
Concurrent simulation platform for energy-aware smart metering systems
S Park, H Kim, H Moon, J Heo, S Yoon
IEEE transactions on Consumer Electronics 56 (3), 1918-1926, 2010
Pre-training of deep bidirectional protein sequence representations with structural information
S Min, S Park, S Kim, HS Choi, B Lee, S Yoon
IEEE Access 9, 123912-123926, 2021
In-depth analysis of interrelation between quality scores and real errors in illumina reads
S Kwon, S Park, B Lee, S Yoon
2013 35th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2013
Post-OCR parsing: building simple and robust parser via BIO tagging
W Hwang, S Kim, M Seo, J Yim, S Park, S Park, J Lee, B Lee, H Lee
Workshop on Document Intelligence at NeurIPS 2019, 2019
Grounding visual representations with texts for domain generalization
S Min, N Park, S Kim, S Park, J Kim
European Conference on Computer Vision, 37-53, 2022
Interpretable prediction of vascular diseases from electronic health records via deep attention networks
S Park, YJ Kim, JW Kim, JJ Park, B Ryu, JW Ha
18th IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and bioengineering …, 2018
hc-OTU: A fast and accurate method for clustering operational taxonomic units based on homopolymer compaction
S Park, H Choi, B Lee, J Chun, JH Won, S Yoon
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 15 (2 …, 2016
Egtr: Extracting graph from transformer for scene graph generation
J Im, JY Nam, N Park, H Lee, S Park
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2024
vHoT: a database for predicting interspecies interactions between viral microRNA and host genomes
H Kim, S Park, H Min, S Yoon
Archives of virology 157, 497-501, 2012
DEER: Detection-agnostic End-to-End Recognizer for Scene Text Spotting
S Kim, S Shin, Y Kim, HC Cho, T Kil, J Surh, S Park, B Lee, Y Baek
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.05122, 2022
Genetic risk score to predict biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy in prostate cancer: prospective cohort study
JJ Oh, S Park, SE Lee, SK Hong, S Lee, TJ Kim, IJ Lee, JN Ho, S Yoon, ...
Oncotarget 8 (44), 75979, 2017
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Articles 1–20