Adeola Adedeji
Adeola Adedeji
University of Ilorin
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Evaluation of characteristics of concrete mixed with bamboo leaf ash
O Onikeku, SM Shitote, J Mwero, A Adedeji
The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal 13 (1), 2019
Reliability assessment of ground granulated blast furnace slag/cow bone ash-based geopolymer concrete
J Oluwafemi, O Ofuyatan, A Adedeji, D Bankole, L Justin
Journal of Building Engineering 64, 105620, 2023
Optimization-based reliability of a multipurpose reservoir by Genetic Algorithms: Jebba Hydropower Dam, Nigeria
DO Olukanni, TA Adejumo, AW Salami, AA Adedeji
Cogent Engineering 5 (1), 1438740, 2018
Optimisation of deep-fat frying of plantain chips (ipekere) using response surface methodology.
JA Adeyanju, JO Olajide, AA Adedeji
Structural response of reinforced self-compacting concrete deep beam using finite element method
M Akinpelu, AA Adedeji
Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering 2 (1), 36-61, 2018
Compressive strength and slump prediction of two blended agro waste materials concretes
O Onikeku, SM Shitote, J Mwero, A Adedeji, C Kanali
The Open Civil Engineering Journal 13 (1), 2019
Assessing the Drying rates of some Crops in Solar Dryer
KR Ajao, AA Adedeji
Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering 5 (1), 1-12, 2008
Comparative Study of Seismic Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Frame Infilled vvith Masonry and Shape Memory Alloy Wire
FI vvith Masonry
Trends in Applied Sciences Research 6 (5), 426-437, 2011
Assessment of jebba hydropower dam operation for improved energy production and flood management
DO Olukanni, TA Adejumo, AA Adedeji, AW Salami
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 11 (3), 8450-8467, 2016
Introduction and design of straw bale masonry
AA Adedeji
Lorin, Kwara State, Nigeria: Olad Publishers & Printing Enterprises, 2007
Pseudo-Dynamic earthquake response model of wood-frame with plastered typha (Minima) bale masonry-infill
O Olatokunbo, A Adedeji, S Nurain, E Anthony, O Solomon, A Tolulope, ...
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 9 (2), 27-35, 2018
A Review on the Properties of Concrete incorporated with Waste Glass as a Substitute for Cement
KL Okeke, AA Adedeji
Epistem. Sci. Eng. Technol 5, 396-407, 2016
Reliability of gravel in place of granite in concrete production
GO Bamigboye, AA Adedeji, DO Olukanni, KJ Jolayemi
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12 (20), 5121-5128, 2017
Environmental hazard: Flooding and Its Effects on Residential Buildings in Ilorin, Nigeria
AA Adedeji, AW Salami
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ilorin, PMB 1515, Ilorin, Nigeria, 2011
Reliability-Based Probability Analysis for Predicting Failure of Earth Brick Wall in Compression
AA Adedeji
Nigerian Journal of Construction Technology and Management 9 (1), 25-34, 2008
Seismic analysis of earth wall gravity dams using decoupled modal approach
AA Adedeji
Int Egyp J Eng Math Theory Appl 5, 19-34, 2008
Thermal effects on the bearing capacity of earth wall in optimal design
AA Adedeji
Modeling and Control B 71 (3), 17-28, 2002
Experimental and modelling of flexural strength produced from granite-gravel combination in self-compacting concrete
GO Bamigboye, DO Olukanni, AA Adedeji, MO Ojewumi, KJ Jolayemi
Int. J. Civ. Eng. Technol 9 (7), 437-447, 2018
Construction Procedure of a Straw Bale Walled Building–a review
AA Adedeji, JA Bello
Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara–International Journal of Engineering …, 2011
Genetic (evolutionary) algorithm: Introduction and its use as an engineering design tool
AA Adedeji
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ilorin, editors. Ilorin …, 2007
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