Articles with public access mandates - Iván JiménezLearn more
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Attrition and the design of metacollections for ex situ plant conservation
G Thomas, R Sucher, A Sanders, J Chauncey, I Jiménez
Biological Conservation 283, 110052, 2023
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
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Excess phosphorus from compost applications in urban gardens creates potential pollution hotspots
G Small, P Shrestha, GS Metson, K Polsky, I Jimenez, A Kay
Environmental Research Communications 1 (9), 091007, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Authentication of tequilas using pattern recognition and supervised classification
G Pérez-Caballero, JM Andrade, P Olmos, Y Molina, I Jiménez, JJ Durán, ...
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 94, 117-129, 2017
Mandates: Government of Spain
Selective logging: Do rates of forest turnover in stems, species composition and functional traits decrease with time since disturbance?–A 45 year perspective
OL Osazuwa-Peters, I Jiménez, B Oberle, CA Chapman, AE Zanne
Forest Ecology and Management 357, 10-21, 2015
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Phylogenetic patterns of rarity in a regional species pool of tropical woody plants
MI Loza, I Jiménez, PM Jørgensen, G Arellano, MJ Macía, VW Torrez, ...
Global ecology and biogeography 26 (9), 1043-1054, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Government of Spain
Efficacy of spent lime as a soil amendment for nutrient retention in bioretention green stormwater infrastructure
P Shrestha, MT Salzl, IJ Jimenez, N Pradhan, M Hay, HR Wallace, ...
Water 11 (8), 1575, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
The Nature of Espeletia Species
YM Pineda, AJ Cortés, S Madriñán, I Jiménez
BioRxiv, 2020.09. 29.318865, 2020
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
Identifying songs from their piano-driven opening chords
I Jimenez, T Kuusi, I Czedik-Eysenberg, C Reuter
Musicae Scientiae 27 (1), 27-53, 2023
Mandates: Kone Foundation
Diversidad y endemismo de seis grupos de plantas en la Cordillera Mosetenes, Cochabamba, Bolivia
M Kessler, I Jiménez, T Krömer
Revista Boliviana de Ecología y Conservación Ambiental 23, 15-25, 2008
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Patrones de diversidad y distribución vertical en epífitas vasculares en la Cordillera Mosetenes, Cochabamba, Bolivia
T Krömer, I Jimenez, M Kessler
Revista Boliviana de Ecología y Conservación Ambiental 23, 27-38, 2008
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Simulating the fate of compost-derived nutrients in an urban garden
GE Small, M Smedsrud, I Jimenez, E Chapman
Ecological modelling 483, 110441, 2023
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
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