Articles with public access mandates - Peter GrathwohlLearn more
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Evidence of compound-dependent hydrodynamic and mechanical transverse dispersion by multitracer laboratory experiments
G Chiogna, C Eberhardt, P Grathwohl, OA Cirpka, M Rolle
Environmental science & technology 44 (2), 688-693, 2010
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Isotopic fractionation by transverse dispersion: Flow-through microcosms and reactive transport modeling study
M Rolle, G Chiogna, R Bauer, C Griebler, P Grathwohl
Environmental science & technology 44 (16), 6167-6173, 2010
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Two-dimensional flow-through microcosms–versatile test systems to study biodegradation processes in porous aquifers
RD Bauer, M Rolle, P Kürzinger, P Grathwohl, RU Meckenstock, ...
Journal of Hydrology 369 (3-4), 284-295, 2009
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Microplastic–contaminant interactions: influence of nonlinearity and coupled mass transfer
S Seidensticker, C Zarfl, OA Cirpka, P Grathwohl
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 38 (8), 1635-1644, 2019
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Impact of heterogeneity on oxygen transfer in a fluctuating capillary fringe
CM Haberer, M Rolle, OA Cirpka, P Grathwohl
Groundwater 53 (1), 57-70, 2015
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Characterization of Sorbent Properties of Soil Organic Matter and Carbonaceous Geosorbents Using n-Alkanes and Cycloalkanes as Molecular Probes
S Endo, P Grathwohl, SB Haderlein, TC Schmidt
Environmental science & technology 43 (2), 393-400, 2009
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Atmospheric bulk deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Shanghai: Temporal and spatial variation, and global comparison
D Feng, Y Liu, Y Gao, J Zhou, L Zheng, G Qiao, L Ma, Z Lin, P Grathwohl
Environmental Pollution 230, 639-647, 2017
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Impact of trophic levels on partitioning and bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in particulate organic matter and plankton
H Li, D Duan, B Beckingham, Y Yang, Y Ran, P Grathwohl
Marine Pollution Bulletin 160, 111527, 2020
Mandates: Chinese Academy of Sciences
First order approximation for coupled film and intraparticle pore diffusion to model sorption/desorption batch experiments
B Liu, M Finkel, P Grathwohl
Journal of Hazardous Materials 429, 128314, 2022
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Modeling controls on the chemical weathering of marine mudrocks from the Middle Jurassic in Southern Germany
Z Bao, CM Haberer, U Maier, RT Amos, DW Blowes, P Grathwohl
Chemical Geology 459, 1-12, 2017
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Modeling short-term concentration fluctuations of semi-volatile pollutants in the soil–plant–atmosphere system
Z Bao, CM Haberer, U Maier, B Beckingham, RT Amos, P Grathwohl
Science of the Total Environment 569, 159-167, 2016
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Activation energies of phenanthrene desorption from carbonaceous materials: Column studies
G Wang, P Grathwohl
Journal of Hydrology 369 (3-4), 234-240, 2009
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Dilution of PAHs loadings of particulate matter in air, dust and rivers in urban areas: A comparative study (Tehran megacity, Iran and city of Tübingen, SW-Germany)
T Nasrabadi, H Ruegner, M Schwientek, A Ghadiri, SH Hashemi, ...
Science of the Total Environment 806, 151268, 2022
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Isosteric heats of sorption and desorption of phenanthrene in soils and carbonaceous materials
G Wang, P Grathwohl
Environmental Pollution 175, 110-116, 2013
Mandates: German Research Foundation
In-situ and ex-situ measurement of hydrophobic organic contaminants in soil air based on passive sampling: PAH exchange kinetics, non-equilibrium correction and comparison with …
Y Liu, S Xie, Y Sun, L Ma, Z Lin, P Grathwohl, R Lohmann
Journal of Hazardous Materials 410, 124646, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Applicability of machine learning models for the assessment of long-term pollutant leaching from solid waste materials
A Ershadi, M Finkel, B Susset, P Grathwohl
Waste Management 171, 337-349, 2023
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Influence of flow rate and particle size on local equilibrium in column percolation tests using crushed masonry
N Bandow, M Finkel, P Grathwohl, U Kalbe
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 21, 642-651, 2019
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Travel time-based modelling of nitrate reduction in a fractured limestone aquifer by pyrite and iron carbonates under pore size limitation
E Petrova, E Kortunov, KU Mayer, P Grathwohl, M Finkel
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 248, 103983, 2022
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Legacy pollutants in fractured aquifers: Analytical approximations for back diffusion to predict atrazine concentrations under uncertainty
E Petrova, J Meierdierks, M Finkel, P Grathwohl
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 255, 104161, 2023
Mandates: German Research Foundation
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Managing the effects of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems under water scarcity. The GLOBAQUA project
A Navarro-Ortega, V Acuna, A Bellin, P Burek, G Cassiani, ...
Science of the Total Environment 503, 3-9, 2015
Mandates: Government of Spain
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