Articles with public access mandates - Edward AnthonyLearn more
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Mangroves and shoreline erosion in the Mekong River delta, Viet Nam
M Besset, N Gratiot, EJ Anthony, F Bouchette, M Goichot, P Marchesiello
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 226, 106263, 2019
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
A conceptual framework for analyzing deltas as coupled social–ecological systems: an example from the Amazon River Delta
ES Brondizio, ND Vogt, AV Mansur, EJ Anthony, S Costa, S Hetrick
Sustainability Science 11, 591-609, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, International Development Research Centre …
Response of the Bight of Benin (Gulf of Guinea, West Africa) coastline to anthropogenic and natural forcing, Part 2: Sources and patterns of sediment supply, sediment cells …
EJ Anthony, R Almar, M Besset, J Reyns, R Laibi, R Ranasinghe, ...
Continental Shelf Research 173, 93-103, 2019
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, AXA Research Fund, France
Disentangling the relative impacts of climate change and human activities on fluvial sediment supply to the coast by the world’s large rivers: Pearl River Basin, China
R Ranasinghe, CS Wu, J Conallin, TM Duong, EJ Anthony
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 9236, 2019
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, AXA Research Fund, France
Assessing the relationship between macro-faunal burrowing activity and mudflat geomorphology from UAV-based Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry
G Brunier, E Michaud, J Fleury, EJ Anthony, S Morvan, A Gardel
Remote Sensing of Environment 241, 111717, 2020
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Exceptional rates and mechanisms of muddy shoreline retreat following mangrove removal
G Brunier, EJ Anthony, N Gratiot, A Gardel
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44 (8), 1559-1571, 2019
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Catalyzing action towards the sustainability of deltas
ES Brondizio, E Foufoula-Georgiou, S Szabo, N Vogt, Z Sebesvari, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 19, 182-194, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Using UAV and structure-from-motion photogrammetry for the detection of boulder movement by storms on a rocky shore platform in Laghdira, Northwest Morocco
M Sedrati, JA Morales, A El M’rini, EJ Anthony, G Bulot, R Le Gall, ...
Remote Sensing 14 (16), 4102, 2022
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Concerns about data linking delta land gain to human action
F Zăinescu, E Anthony, A Vespremeanu-Stroe, M Besset, F Tătui
Nature 614 (7947), E20-E25, 2023
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Mangroves: a natural early-warning system of erosion on open muddy coasts in French Guiana
C Proisy, R Walcker, E Blanchard, A Gardel, EJ Anthony
Dynamic sedimentary environments of mangrove coasts, 47-66, 2021
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
The codevelopment of mangroves and infaunal community diversity in response to the natural dynamics of mud deposition in French Guiana
E Michaud, A Aschenbroich, O Gauthier, F Fromard, JY Aller, RC Aller, ...
Sustainability 14 (5), 2829, 2022
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Coastal wetlands in the Anthropocene
J Day, E Anthony, R Costanza, D Edmonds, J Gunn, C Hopkinson, ...
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 49 (1), 105-135, 2024
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
Feeding the pyramid builders: Early agriculture at Giza in Egypt
H Sheisha, D Kaniewski, N Marriner, M Djamali, G Younes, Z Chen, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 312, 108172, 2023
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
The contribution of diminishing river sand loads to beach erosion worldwide
V Regard, R Almar, M Graffin, S Carretier, E Anthony, R Ranasinghe, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2023, 1-24, 2023
Mandates: AXA Research Fund, France
A Late Pleistocene hominin footprint site on the North African coast of Morocco
M Sedrati, JA Morales, J Duveau, AE M’rini, E Mayoral, I Díaz‐Martínez, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 1962, 2024
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Government of Spain
MANG@ COAST: A spatio-temporal modeling approach of muddy shoreline mobility based on mangrove monitoring
PE Augusseau, C Proisy, A Gardel, G Brunier, L Granjon, T Maury, A Mury, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software, 106345, 2025
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Upscaling the contribution of crab burrows to mangrove ecosystem functioning in French Guiana (South America)
E Michaud, A Aschenbroich, T Stieglitz, G Brunier, RC Aller, E Anthony, ...
Regional Environmental Change 24 (4), 1-14, 2024
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Mang@ Coast: A Novel Spatio-Temporal Modeling Approach of Muddy Shoreline Mobility Based on Mangrove Monitoring
PE Augusseau, C Proisy, A Gardel, G Brunier, L Granjon, T Maury, A Mury, ...
Preprint, 2024
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
L'utilisation des drones pour un suivi spatio-temporel des activités de bioturbation par les crabes des vasières tropicales
E Michaud, G Brunier, J Fleury, M Jaud, S Legranche, A Sarazin, ...
Journées Drones & Cap'2023, 2023
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
The Codevelopment of Mangroves and Infaunal Community Diversity in Response to the Natural Dynamics of Mud Deposition in French Guiana. Sustainability 2022, 14, 2829
E Michaud, A Aschenbroich, O Gauthier, F Fromard, JY Aller, RC Aller, ...
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Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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