Pierre-Olivier Lemieux
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Cited by
Mechanical analysis of cuff tear arthropathy during multiplanar elevation with the AnyBody shoulder model
PO Lemieux, N Nuño, N Hagemeister, P Tétreault
Clinical Biomechanics 27 (8), 801-806, 2012
Influence of the medial offset of the proximal humerus on the glenohumeral destabilising forces during arm elevation: a numerical sensitivity study
PO Lemieux, N Hagemeister, P Tétreault, N Nuño
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 16 (1), 103-111, 2013
Influence of prosthetic humeral head size and medial offset on the mechanics of the shoulder with cuff tear arthropathy: a numerical study
PO Lemieux, P Tétreault, N Hagemeister, N Nuño
Journal of biomechanics 46 (4), 806-812, 2013
Degrees of freedom coupling adapted to the upper limb of a digital human model
PO Lemieux, R Aissaoui, A Barré, N Hagemeister
International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation 5 (4), 314-337, 2017
Degrees of freedom coupling adapted to the upper limb of a digital human model
PO Lemieux, A Barré, R Hagemeister, Nicola, Aissaoui
4th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium, 2016
Stepping behavior for stability control of a digital human model
A Zeighami, PO Lemieux, J Charland, N Hagemeister, A Aissaoui
A visual acuity constraint for digital human modeling
PO Lemieux, A Cauffiez, Matthieu, Barré, N Hagemeister, R Aissaoui
4th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium, 2016
Method and System of Constraint-Based Optimization of Digital Human Upper Limb Models
PO Lemieux, A Barré, R Aissaoui, N Hagemeister
US Patent App. 14/963,679, 2015
Building Information Modeling in Quebec’s Procurement for Public Infrastructure: A Case for Integrated Project Delivery. Laws 10: 43
G Jobidon, P Lemieux, R Beauregard
Laws and Emerging Technologies, 25, 2021
Grasp Planning Of Unknown Object For Digital Human Model
Q Bourret, PO Lemieux, J Charland, R Aissaoui
13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2022
Flexible hand posture for tools grasping
Q Bourret, P Lemieux, N Hagemeister, R Aissaoui
DHM, 2019
Simultaneous estimation of the path, magnitude and orientation of the femorotibial contact forces using bone geometry constraints: an exploratory numerical study for the stance …
PO Lemieux, T Cresson, R Aissaoui
Multibody System Dynamics, 1-12, 2016
Method And System For Vision Measure For Digital Human Models
PO Lemieux, A Barré, M Cauffiez, R Aissaoui, N Hagemeister
US Patent App. 14/834,612, 2015
Environment-aware Prepositioning Of Digital Models In An Environment
A Zeighami, PO Lemieux, N Hagemeister, J Charland, R Aissaoui
US Patent App. 17/305,771, 2023
Analyse numérique des paramètres biomécaniques influençant la fonction de l’épaule atteinte d’arthropathie de rupture de coiffe
PO Lemieux
École de technologie supérieure, 2013
Influence of the Stage of Massive Rotator Cuff Tear and Adductor Co-activation on Shoulder Function during Activities of Daily Living: A Numerical Study
PO Lemieux, K Gielo-Perczak, N Nuño, N Hagemeister
IXth Conference of the International Shoulder Group (Aberystwyth University …, 2012
Systems and methods for determining digital model positioning for grasping
PO Lemieux, Q Bourret, R Aissaoui, N Hagemeister
US Patent 11,620,416, 2023
A Numerical Model of Total Shoulder Arthroplasty for Implant Reaction Forces Estimation
L Sins, PO Lemieux, P Tétreault, N Nuño, F Billuart, N Hagemeister
IXth Conference of the International Shoulder Group (Aberystwyth University …, 2012
Simulation of daily living movements with the AnyBody shoulder model
N Séguin, PO Lemieux, N Nuño, N Hagemeister
Extracting grasping cues from tool geometry for digital human models
A Macloud, L Rivest, A Zeighami, PO Lemieux, R Aissaoui
US Patent 11,775,699, 2023
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Articles 1–20