Emi Moriuchi
Cited by
Cited by
Okay, Google!: An empirical study on voice assistants on consumer engagement and loyalty
E Moriuchi
Psychology & Marketing 36 (5), 489-501, 2019
Engagement with chatbots versus augmented reality interactive technology in e-commerce
E Moriuchi, VM Landers, D Colton, N Hair
Journal of Strategic Marketing 29 (5), 375-389, 2021
Satisfaction trust and loyalty of repeat online consumer within the Japanese online supermarket trade
E Moriuchi, I Takahashi
Australasian Marketing Journal 24 (2), 146-156, 2016
An empirical study on anthropomorphism and engagement with disembodied AIs and consumers' re‐use behavior
E Moriuchi
Psychology & Marketing 38 (1), 21-42, 2021
An empirical study of consumers' intention to use biometric facial recognition as a payment method
E Moriuchi
Psychology & Marketing 38 (10), 1741-1765, 2021
Social media marketing: Strategies in utilizing consumer-generated content
E Moriuchi
Business Expert Press, 2019
The importance of university traditions and rituals in building alumni brand communities and loyalty
MC Martin Ph D, E Moriuchi, RM Smith, JD Moeder, C Nichols
International Academy of Marketing Studies Journal 19 (3), 107, 2015
An empirical investigation of the factors motivating Japanese repeat consumers to review their shopping experiences
E Moriuchi, I Takahashi
Journal of Business Research 82, 381-390, 2018
The role of perceived value, trust and engagement in the C2C online secondary marketplace
E Moriuchi, I Takahashi
Journal of Business Research 148, 76-88, 2022
An empirical study on repeat consumer's shopping satisfaction on C2C e-commerce in Japan: the role of value, trust and engagement
E Moriuchi, I Takahashi
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 35 (3), 560-581, 2023
The role of robots in the service industry: Factors affecting human-robot interactions
E Moriuchi, S Murdy
International Journal of Hospitality Management 118, 103682, 2024
“Social credit effect” in a sharing economy: A theory of mind and prisoner's dilemma game theory perspective on the two‐way review and rating system
E Moriuchi
Psychology & Marketing 37 (5), 641-662, 2020
Is that really an honest online review? The effectiveness of disclaimers in online reviews
E Moriuchi
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 26 (3), 309-327, 2018
The impact of country of origin on consumers' pricing judgments in ecommerce settings
E Moriuchi
International Marketing Review 38 (3), 514-538, 2021
The sustainability of ohanami cherry blossom festivals as a cultural icon
E Moriuchi, M Basil
Sustainability 11 (6), 1820, 2019
Increasing donation intentions toward endangered species: An empirical study on the mediating role of psychological and technological elements of VR
E Moriuchi, S Murdy
Psychology & Marketing 39 (7), 1302-1321, 2022
Role of brand names and product types on bicultural consumers’ purchase intentions
E Moriuchi, PR Jackson
Journal of Consumer Marketing 34 (1), 53-65, 2017
Cross-cultural social media marketing: bridging across cultural differences
E Moriuchi
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021
Satisfaction trust and loyalty of repeat online consumer within the Japanese online supermarket trade. Australasian Marketing Journal, 24 (2), 146–156
E Moriuchi, I Takahashi
Cultural aspect of informational and normative influences on purchasing intentions: An eye-tracking approach
E Moriuchi
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 29 (4), 498-517, 2021
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Articles 1–20