Antonios Armaou
Antonios Armaou
Professor of Chemical Engineering & Mechanical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University
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Analysis and control of parabolic PDE systems with input constraints
NH El-Farra, A Armaou, PD Christofides
Automatica 39 (4), 715-725, 2003
Dynamic optimization of dissipative PDE systems using nonlinear order reduction
A Armaou, PD Christofides
Chemical engineering science 57 (24), 5083-5114, 2002
Global stabilization of the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation via distributed output feedback control
PD Christofides, A Armaou
Systems & Control Letters 39 (4), 283-294, 2000
Feedback control of the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation
A Armaou, PD Christofides
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 137 (1-2), 49-61, 2000
Wave suppression by nonlinear finite-dimensional control
A Armaou, PD Christofides
Chemical Engineering Science 55 (14), 2627-2640, 2000
Control and optimization of multiscale process systems
PD Christofides, A Armaou, Y Lou, A Varshney
Springer Science & Business Media, 2008
Robust detection and accommodation of incipient component and actuator faults in nonlinear distributed processes
A Armaou, MA Demetriou
AIChE journal 54 (10), 2651-2662, 2008
Robust control of parabolic PDE systems with time-dependent spatial domains
A Armaou, PD Christofides
Automatica 37 (1), 61-69, 2001
Microscopic/stochastic timesteppers and coarse control: a kinetic Monte Carlo example
CI Siettos, A Armaou, AG Makeev, IG Kevrekidis
arXiv preprint nlin/0207017, 2002
Optimal actuator/sensor placement for linear parabolic PDEs using spatial H2 norm
A Armaou, MA Demetriou
Chemical Engineering Science 61 (22), 7351-7367, 2006
Nonlinear control of incompressible fluid flow: Application to Burgers' equation and 2D channel flow
J Baker, A Armaou, PD Christofides
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 252 (1), 230-255, 2000
Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition: Modeling and control
A Armaou, PD Christofides
Chemical engineering science 54 (15-16), 3305-3314, 1999
Feedback control of dissipative PDE systems using adaptive model reduction
A Varshney, S Pitchaiah, A Armaou
AIChE journal 55 (4), 906-918, 2009
Multiscale optimization using hybrid PDE/kMC process systems with application to thin film growth
A Varshney, A Armaou
Chemical Engineering Science 60 (23), 6780-6794, 2005
Finite-dimensional control of nonlinear parabolic PDE systems with time-dependent spatial domains using empirical eigenfunctions
A Armaou, PD Christofides
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 2001
Time‐steppers and ‘coarse’control of distributed microscopic processes
A Armaou, C I. Siettos, I G. Kevrekidis
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2004
Control and optimization of multiscale process systems
PD Christofides, A Armaou
Computers & chemical engineering 30 (10-12), 1670-1686, 2006
Colocalization and sequential enzyme activity in aqueous biphasic systems: experiments and modeling
BW Davis, WM Aumiller, N Hashemian, S An, A Armaou, CD Keating
Biophysical journal 109 (10), 2182-2194, 2015
Crystal temperature control in the Czochralski crystal growth process
A Armaou, PD Christofides
AIChE Journal 47 (1), 79-106, 2001
Nonlinear feedback control of parabolic partial differential equation systems with time-dependent spatial domains
A Armaou, PD Christofides
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 239 (1), 124-157, 1999
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Articles 1–20