Peter Kai
Peter Kai
Senior Advisor, Department of Engineering, Aarhus University
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A whole-farm assessment of the efficacy of slurry acidification in reducing ammonia emissions
P Kai, P Pedersen, JE Jensen, MN Hansen, SG Sommer
European Journal of Agronomy 28 (2), 148-154, 2008
Ammonia and methane emissions from two naturally ventilated dairy cattle buildings and the influence of climatic factors on ammonia emissions
W Wu, G Zhang, P Kai
Atmospheric Environment 61, 232-243, 2012
Effects of a partial pit ventilation system on indoor air quality and ammonia emission from a fattening pig room
CK Saha, G Zhang, P Kai, B Bjerg
Biosystems Engineering 105 (3), 279-287, 2010
Effects of anaerobic digestion and separation of pig slurry on odor emission
MN Hansen, P Kai, HB Møller
Applied engineering in agriculture 22 (1), 135-139, 2006
Scale model experiments to determine the effects of internal airflow and floor design on gaseous emissions from animal houses
S Morsing, JS Strøm, G Zhang, P Kai
Biosystems Engineering 99 (1), 99-104, 2008
Airflow characteristics at the surface of manure in a storage pit affected by ventilation rate, floor slat opening, and headspace height
Z Ye, G Zhang, IH Seo, P Kai, CK Saha, C Wang, B Li
Biosystems Engineering 104 (1), 97-105, 2009
Emission effects of three different ventilation control strategies—A scale model study
G Zhang, B Bjerg, JS Strøm, S Morsing, P Kai, G Tong, P Ravn
Biosystems Engineering 100 (1), 96-104, 2008
Porous media as boundary condition for air inlet, slatted floor and animal occupied zone in numerical simulation of airflow in a pig unit.
B Bjerg, ZGQ Zhang GuoQiang, P Kai
Identification of key odour components in pig house air using hyphenated gas chromatography olfactometry
P Kai, A Schafer
International Commission of Agricultural Engineering, 2004
Key factors driving ammonia emissions from a pig house slurry pit
Z Ye, S Zhu, P Kai, B Li, V Blanes-Vidal, J Pan, C Wang, G Zhang
Biosystems engineering 108 (3), 195-203, 2011
Modeling sources of gaseous emissions in a pig house with recharge pit
P Kai, B Kaspers, T Van Kempen
Transactions of the ASABE 49 (5), 1479-1485, 2006
Airborne pollutant emissions from naturally ventilated buildings: Proposed research directions
H Takai, S Nimmermark, T Banhazi, T Norton, LD Jacobson, S Calvet, ...
biosystems engineering 116 (3), 214-220, 2013
Fra produktionsbaseret til arealbaseret emissionsberegning. Del 2: Emissionsfaktorer
P Kai, AP Adamsen
Technical Report Biological and Chemical Engineering 6 (12), 2017
An assessment of a partial pit ventilation system to reduce emission under slatted floor–Part 1: Scale model study
W Wu, P Kai, G Zhang
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 83, 127-133, 2012
CFD analysis to predict close range spreading of ventilation air from livestock buildings
B Bjerg, P Kai, S Morsing, H Takai
International Commission of Agricultural Engineering, 2004
CFD investigation of a partly pit ventilation system as method to reduce ammonia emission from pig production units
B Bjerg, GQ Zhang, P Kai
Livestock Environment VIII, 31 August–4 September 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, 8, 2009
Improved effect of manure acidification technology for gas emission mitigation by substituting sulfuric acid with acetic acid
A Fuchs, FR Dalby, D Liu, P Kai, A Feilberg
Cleaner Engineering and Technology 4, 100263, 2021
Manure belts for harvesting urine and feces separately and improving air quality in swine facilities
JB Koger, BK O’Brien, RP Burnette, P Kai, M Van Kempen, ...
Livestock Science 162, 214-222, 2014
Uncertainty analysis of using CO2 production models by cows to determine ventilation rate in naturally ventilated buildings
G Zhang, S Pedersen, P Kai
Vera Test Protocol: For Livestock Housing and Management Systems
JM Losada, N Ogink, APS Adamsen, BS Bjerg, P Kai, E Gallmann, ...
International VERA Secretariat, 2018
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Articles 1–20