Vera Trappmann
Vera Trappmann
Professor of Comparative Employment Relations
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Cited by
In, against and beyond precarity: work in insecure times
G Alberti, I Bessa, K Hardy, V Trappmann, C Umney
Work, Employment and Society 32 (3), 447-457, 2018
The social protection of workers in the platform economy
C Forde, M Stuart, S Joyce, L Oliver, D Valizade, G Alberti, K Hardy, ...
European Union [Internet], 2017
A global analysis of worker protest in digital labour platforms
I Bessa, S Joyce, D Neumann, M Stuart, V Trappmann, C Umney
ILO Working Paper, 2022
A Global Struggle: Worker Protest in the Platform Economy
S Joyce, D Neumann, V Trappmann, C Umney
ETUI Research Paper-Policy Brief 2, 2020
Civil society in Central and Eastern Europe: The ambivalent legacy of accession
A Kutter, V Trappmann
Acta politica 45 (1), 41-69, 2010
Precarity as a biographical problem? Young workers living with precarity in Germany and Poland
A Mrozowicki, V Trappmann
Work, Employment and Society 35 (2), 221-238, 2021
Fallen heroes in global capitalism: Workers and the Restructuring of the Polish Steel Industry
V Trappmann
Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
Regulating skill formation in Europe: German, Norwegian and Spanish policies on transferable skills
M Martínez Lucio, S Skule, W Kruse, V Trappmann
European Journal of Industrial Relations 13 (3), 323-340, 2007
Precarious employment in Poland–a legacy of transition or an effect of European integration
V Trappmann
emecon, 2011
Das Erbe des Beitritts
A Kutter, V Trappmann
Europäisierung in Mittel-und Osteuropa, 2006
Platform labour unrest in a global perspective: How, where and why do platform workers protest?
C Umney, M Stuart, I Bessa, S Joyce, D Neumann, V Trappmann
Work, Employment and Society, 2023
Das Erbe des Beitritts: Europäisierung in Mittel-und Osteuropa
A Kutter, V Trappmann
Nomos, 2006
Business leaders and new varieties of capitalism in post-communist Europe
K Bluhm, B Martens, V Trappmann
Routledge, 2013
The social protection of workers in the collaborative economy
C Forde, M Stuart, S Joyce, L Oliver, D Valizade, G Alberti, K Hardy, ...
Report for European Parliament Employment and Social Affairs Committee, 2017
Between consolidation and crisis: divergent pressures and sectoral trends in Poland
G Meardi, V Trappmann
Transfer: European review of labour and research 19 (2), 195-204, 2013
The role of worker collectives among app-based food delivery couriers in France, Germany and Norway: all the same or different?
K Jesnes, D Neumann, V Trappmann, P de Becdelièvre
A Modern Guide To Labour and the Platform Economy, 2021
Trade unions in Poland: current situation, organisation and challenges
V Trappmann
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Central and Eastern Europe, 2012
Labor Unrest and the Future of Work: Global Struggles Against Food Delivery Platforms
M Stuart, V Trappmann, I Bessa, S Joyce, D Neumann, C Umney
Labor Studies Journal, 0160449X231178780, 2023
Związki zawodowe w Polsce
V Trappmann
Business elites and the role of companies in society: a comparative study of Poland, Hungary and Germany
K Bluhm, B Martens, V Trappmann
Europe-Asia Studies 63 (6), 1011-1032, 2011
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Articles 1–20