Marko Holma
Marko Holma
Muon Solutions Oy / Kerttu Saalasti Institute / Arctic Planetary Science Institute
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Muography and its potential applications to mining and rock engineering
ZX Zhang, T Enqvist, M Holma, P Kuusiniemi
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 1-15, 2020
Future prospects of muography for geological research and geotechnical and mining engineering
M Holma, Z Zhang, P Kuusiniemi, K Loo, T Enqvist
Muography: Exploring Earth's Subsurface with Elementary Particles, 199-219, 2022
HKM Tanaka, C Bozza, A Bross, E Cantoni, O Catalano, G Cerretto, ...
Nature Reviews Methods Primers 3 (1), 88, 2023
First results of undersea muography with the Tokyo-Bay seafloor hyper-kilometric submarine deep detector
HKM Tanaka, M Aichi, C Bozza, R Coniglione, J Gluyas, N Hayashi, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 19485, 2021
The Levijärvi-Loukinen gold occurrence: An example of orogenic gold mineralisation with atypical metal association
MJ Holma, VJ Keinänen
Special Paper 44, 163-184, 2007
Atmospheric muography for imaging and monitoring tropic cyclones
HKM Tanaka, J Gluyas, M Holma, J Joutsenvaara, P Kuusiniemi, G Leone, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 16710, 2022
Muography as a new complementary tool in monitoring volcanic hazard: implications for early warning systems
G Leone, HKM Tanaka, M Holma, P Kuusiniemi, D Varga, L Oláh, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477 (2255), 20210320, 2021
Natural background radiation at Lab 2 of Callio Lab, Pyhäsalmi mine in Finland
K Polaczek-Grelik, A Walencik-Łata, K Szkliniarz, J Kisiel, K Jȩdrzejczak, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2020
Ultra-slow cratonic denudation in Finland since 1.5 Ga indicated by tiered unconformities and impact structures
AM Hall, N Putkinen, S Hietala, E Lindsberg, M Holma
Precambrian Research 352, 106000, 2021
Periodic sea-level oscillation in Tokyo Bay detected with the Tokyo-Bay seafloor hyper-kilometric submarine deep detector (TS-HKMSDD)
HKM Tanaka, M Aichi, SJ Balogh, C Bozza, R Coniglione, J Gluyas, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 6097, 2022
Callio Lab–the deep underground research centre in Finland, Europe
J Joutsenvaara, M Holma, O Kotavaara, HJ Puputti
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2156 (1), 012166, 2021
Periodic sea-level oscillation in Tokyo Bay detected with the Tokyo-Bay seafloor hyper-kilometric submarine deep detector (TS-HKMSDD). Sci. Rep. 12, 6097
HKM Tanaka, M Aichi, SJ Balogh, C Bozza, R Coniglione, J Gluyas, ...
Agile exploration and geo-modelling for European critical raw materials: introduction to the AGEMERA project
M Holma, J Korteniemi, G Casini, E Saura, F Šumanovac, J Kapuralić, ...
Lithosphere 2022: Twelfth symposium on the structure, composition and …, 2022
The Levijärvi - Loukinen Au-Ni-Cu occurrence: A Palaeoproterozoic polymetallic orogenic gold mineralisation in the Sirkka Line tectonic structure, northern Finland
M Holma, VJ Keinänen, VJ Ojala, P Eilu
The seventh biennial SGA meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August 2003, 1073-1076, 2003
Uudenlaisen geofysiikan äärellä: Osa 1–Myonit ja myonigrafan yleisimmät sovellukset
M Holma, P Kuusiniemi, P Sarala, J Korteniemi
Geologi 74 (6), 219-228, 2022
Cosmic-ray based geothermal exploration - A short introduction to muography
M Holma, P Kuusiniemi
Lithosphere 2021 - Eleventh symposium on structure, composition and …, 2021
The Sirkka Au-Cu-Ni-Co occurrence, northern Finland: an orogenic gold deposit with multimetallic, atypical metal association
MJ Holma, P Eilu, VJ Ojala, VJ Keinänen
The Ninth Biennial SGA Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 20th-23rd August, 2007, 581-584, 2007
Levijärvi and Soretialehto - two epigenetic lode-gold deposits controlled by the Sirkka Thrust Zone within the Paleoproterozoic Central Lapland Greenstone Belt, Kittilä …
V Keinänen, MJ Holma
2001: A Hydrothermal Odyssey, 102-103, 2001
Trends in publishing muography related research: the situation at the end of 2020
M Holma, P Kuusiniemi, J Joutsenvaara
Andromeda, 2022
Underground muography: The raise of geoparticle physics as a soil, orebody and rock realm imaging method
M Holma, P Kuusiniemi
Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, 27-30, 2018
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Articles 1–20