Nick Reid
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Cited by
Dispersal of misteltoes by honeyeaters and flowerpeckers: components of seed dispersal quality
N Reid
Ecology 70 (1), 137-145, 1989
Coevolution of mistletoes and frugivorous birds?
N Reid
Australian journal of ecology 16 (4), 457-469, 1991
Communicating ecology through art: what scientists think
DJ Curtis, N Reid, G Ballard
Ecology and Society 17 (2), 2012
Climate change and the potential distribution of an invasive shrub, Lantana camara L
S Taylor, L Kumar, N Reid, DJ Kriticos
PloS one 7 (4), e35565, 2012
Utilization of shrubs and trees for browse, fuelwood and timber in the Tamaulipan thornscrub, northeastern Mexico
N Reid, J Marroquín, P Beyer-Münzel
Forest Ecology and Management 36 (1), 61-79, 1990
Tree decline in agricultural landscapes: what we stand to lose.
N Reid, J Landsberg
Differential passage time of mistletoe fruits through the gut of honeyeaters and flowerpeckers: effects on seedling establishment
SR Murphy, N Reid, Z Yan, WN Venables
Oecologia 93, 171-176, 1993
Lessons in Ecosystem Management from Management of Threatened and Pest Loranthaceous Mistletoes in New Zealand and Australia: Lecciones de Manejo de Ecosistemas Manejo de …
DA Norton, N Reid
Conservation biology 11 (3), 759-769, 1997
Towards ecological sustainability: Observations on the role of the arts
DJ Curtis, N Reid, I Reeve
SAPI EN. S. Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society, 2014
Ecology and population biology of mistletoes
N Reid, NM Smith, Z Yan
Forest canopies, 285-310, 1995
Can volunteers collect data that are comparable to professional scientists? A study of variables used in monitoring the outcomes of ecosystem rehabilitation
J Gollan, LL de Bruyn, N Reid, L Wilkie
Environmental management 50, 969-978, 2012
Indigenous knowledge and seasonal calendar inform adaptive savanna burning in northern Australia
M McKemey, E Ens, YM Rangers, O Costello, N Reid
Sustainability 12 (3), 995, 2020
Factors related to gully erosion in woody encroachment in south-eastern Australia
C Muñoz-Robles, N Reid, P Frazier, M Tighe, SV Briggs, B Wilson
Catena 83 (2-3), 148-157, 2010
Nature and farming: sustaining native biodiversity in agricultural landscapes
N Reid
Csiro Publishing, 2013
Floristic and structural variation in the Tamaulipan thornscrub, northeastern Mexico
N Reid, SDM Stafford, P Beyer‐Miinzel, J Marroquín
Journal of Vegetation Science 1 (4), 529-538, 1990
Soil hydrological and erosional responses in patches and inter-patches in vegetation states in semi-arid Australia
C Muñoz-Robles, N Reid, M Tighe, SV Briggs, B Wilson
Geoderma 160 (3-4), 524-534, 2011
Impact of mistletoes (Amyema miquelii) on host (Eucalyptus blakelyi and Eucalyptus melliodora) survival and growth in temperate Australia
N Reid, Z Yan, J Fittler
Forest Ecology and Management 70 (1-3), 55-65, 1994
Host specificity, dispersion and persistence through drought of two arid zone mistletoes
N Reid, RT Lange
Australian journal of botany 36 (3), 299-313, 1988
Insectivorous bats selectively source moths and eat mostly pest insects on dryland and irrigated cotton farms
H Kolkert, R Andrew, R Smith, R Rader, N Reid
Ecology and Evolution 10 (1), 371-388, 2020
Can ants be used as ecological indicators of restoration progress in dynamic environments? A case study in a revegetated riparian zone
JR Gollan, LL De Bruyn, N Reid, D Smith, L Wilkie
Ecological Indicators 11 (6), 1517-1525, 2011
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Articles 1–20