J Kinnaird
J Kinnaird
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Mineral supply for sustainable development requires resource governance
SH Ali, D Giurco, N Arndt, E Nickless, G Brown, A Demetriades, ...
Nature 543 (7645), 367-372, 2017
PGE tenor and metal ratios within and below the Merensky Reef, Bushveld Complex: implications for its genesis
AJ Naldrett, A Wilson, J Kinnaird, G Chunnett
Journal of Petrology 50 (4), 625-659, 2009
The origin of chromitites and related PGE mineralization in the Bushveld Complex: new mineralogical and petrological constraints
AJ Naldrett, A Wilson, J Kinnaird, M Yudovskaya, G Chunnett
Mineralium Deposita 47, 209-232, 2012
Petrology and mineralisation of the southern Platreef: northern limb of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa
JA Kinnaird, D Hutchinson, L Schurmann, PAM Nex, R de Lange
Mineralium Deposita 40, 576-597, 2005
Chromitite formation—a key to understanding processes of platinum enrichment
JA Kinnaird, FJ Kruger, PAM Nex, RG Cawthorn
Applied Earth Science 111 (1), 23-35, 2002
Hydrothermal alteration and mineralization of the alkaline anorogenic ring complexes of Nigeria
JA Kinnaird
Journal of African Earth Sciences (1983) 3 (1-2), 229-251, 1985
Chromite composition and PGE content of Bushveld chromitites: Part 1–the Lower and Middle Groups
AJ Naldrett, J Kinnaird, A Wilson, M Yudovskaya, S McQuade, G Chunnett, ...
Applied Earth Science 118 (3-4), 131-161, 2009
Complex multistage genesis for the Ni–Cu–PGE mineralisation in the southern region of the Platreef, Bushveld Complex, South Africa
D Hutchinson, JA Kinnaird
Applied Earth Science 114 (4), 208-224, 2005
Mineralogy, geochemistry and mineralization of the Ririwai complex, northern Nigeria
JA Kinnaird, PL Bowden, RA Ixer, NWA Odling
Journal of African Earth Sciences (1983) 3 (1-2), 185-222, 1985
Geology and mineralization of the Nigerian anorogenic complexes
P Bowden
Geol. Jb., B 56, 1-65, 1984
Concentration of PGE in the Earth's crust with special reference to the Bushveld Complex
T Naldrett, J Kinnaird, A Wilson, G Chunnett
Earth Science Frontiers 15 (5), 264-297, 2008
Multiple sulfur isotopes reveal a magmatic origin for the Platreef platinum group element deposit, Bushveld Complex, South Africa
SC Penniston-Dorland, BA Wing, PAM Nex, JA Kinnaird, J Farquhar, ...
Geology 36 (12), 979-982, 2008
Geochemical evidence for multiphase emplacement in the southern Platreef
JA Kinnaird
Applied Earth Science 114 (4), 225-242, 2005
Niger-Nigerian alkaline ring complexes: a classic example of African Phanerozoic anorogenic mid-plate magmatism
P Bowden, R Black, RF Martin, EC Ike, JA Kinnaird, RA Batchelor
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 30 (1), 357-379, 1987
The petrology and geochemistry of alkaline granites from Nigeria
P Bowden, JA Kinnaird
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 35 (1-3), 199-211, 1984
Contrasting styles of Sn-Nb-Ta-Zn mineralization in Nigeria
JA Kinnaird
Journal of African Earth Sciences (1983) 2 (2), 81-90, 1984
Petrogenesis of the Lower Zone olivine-rich cumulates beneath the Platreef and their correlation with recognized occurrences in the Bushveld Complex
MA Yudovskaya, JA Kinnaird, AV Sobolev, DV Kuzmin, I McDonald, ...
Economic Geology 108 (8), 1923-1952, 2013
Gangue–reagent interactions during acid leaching of uranium
BJ Youlton, JA Kinnaird
Minerals Engineering 52, 62-73, 2013
A new look at sulphide mineralisation of the northern limb, Bushveld Complex: a stable isotope study
ER Sharman-Harris, JA Kinnaird, C Harris, UE Horstmann
Applied Earth Science 114 (4), 252-263, 2005
Multiple sulfur isotope evidence for surface-derived sulfur in the Bushveld Complex
SC Penniston-Dorland, EA Mathez, BA Wing, J Farquhar, JA Kinnaird
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 337, 236-242, 2012
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