Aaron Fogelson
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Cited by
Surface-mediated control of blood coagulation: the role of binding site densities and platelet deposition
AL Kuharsky, AL Fogelson
Biophysical journal 80 (3), 1050-1074, 2001
Fluid mechanics of blood clot formation
AL Fogelson, KB Neeves
Annual review of fluid mechanics 47 (1), 377-403, 2015
Presynaptic calcium diffusion from various arrays of single channels. Implications for transmitter release and synaptic facilitation
AL Fogelson, RS Zucker
Biophysical journal 48 (6), 1003-1017, 1985
Grow with the flow: a spatial–temporal model of platelet deposition and blood coagulation under flow
K Leiderman, AL Fogelson
Mathematical medicine and biology: a journal of the IMA 28 (1), 47-84, 2011
A mathematical model and numerical method for studying platelet adhesion and aggregation during blood clotting
AL Fogelson
Journal of Computational Physics 56 (1), 111-134, 1984
Relationship between transmitter release and presynaptic calcium influx when calcium enters through discrete channels.
RS Zucker, AL Fogelson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 83 (9), 3032-3036, 1986
A fast numerical method for solving the three-dimensional Stokes' equations in the presence of suspended particles
AL Fogelson, CS Peskin
Journal of Computational Physics 79 (1), 50-69, 1988
Modeling biofilm processes using the immersed boundary method
R Dillon, L Fauci, A Fogelson, D Gaver III
Journal of Computational Physics 129 (1), 57-73, 1996
Continuum models of platelet aggregation: formulation and mechanical properties
AL Fogelson
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 52 (4), 1089-1110, 1992
Immersed-boundary-type models of intravascular platelet aggregation
AL Fogelson, RD Guy
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 197 (25-28), 2087-2104, 2008
A radial basis function (RBF)-finite difference (FD) method for diffusion and reaction–diffusion equations on surfaces
V Shankar, GB Wright, RM Kirby, AL Fogelson
Journal of scientific computing 63, 745-768, 2015
Platelet–wall interactions in continuum models of platelet thrombosis: formulation and numerical solution
AL Fogelson, RD Guy
Mathematical Medicine and Biology 21 (4), 293-334, 2004
TNPACK—A truncated Newton minimization package for large-scale problems: I. Algorithm and usage
T Schlick, A Fogelson
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 18 (1), 46-70, 1992
Coagulation under flow: the influence of flow-mediated transport on the initiation and inhibition of coagulation
AL Fogelson, N Tania
Pathophysiology of haemostasis and thrombosis 34 (2-3), 91-108, 2006
Analysis of mechanisms for platelet near-wall excess under arterial blood flow conditions
L Crowl, AL Fogelson
Journal of fluid mechanics 676, 348-375, 2011
Unconditionally stable discretizations of the immersed boundary equations
EP Newren, AL Fogelson, RD Guy, RM Kirby
Journal of Computational Physics 222 (2), 702-719, 2007
Elevated hematocrit enhances platelet accumulation following vascular injury
BL Walton, M Lehmann, T Skorczewski, LA Holle, JD Beckman, JA Cribb, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 129 (18), 2537-2546, 2017
Computational model of whole blood exhibiting lateral platelet motion induced by red blood cells
LM Crowl, AL Fogelson
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 26 (3 …, 2010
Truncated Newton methods and the modeling of complex immersed elastic structures
LJ Fauci, AL Fogelson
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 46 (6), 787-818, 1993
Fibrin gel formation in a shear flow
RD Guy, AL Fogelson, JP Keener
Mathematical Medicine and Biology 24 (1), 111-130, 2007
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Articles 1–20