Judit Zámborszky
Judit Zámborszky
Institute of Enzymology (Research Center of Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
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Cited by
Loss of BRCA1 or BRCA2 markedly increases the rate of base substitution mutagenesis and has distinct effects on genomic deletions
J Zámborszky, B Szikriszt, JZ Gervai, O Pipek, Á Póti, M Krzystanek, ...
Oncogene 36 (6), 746-755, 2017
Circadian rhythms synchronize mitosis in Neurospora crassa
CI Hong, J Zámborszky, M Baek, L Labiscsak, K Ju, H Lee, LF Larrondo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (4), 1397-1402, 2014
Computational analysis of mammalian cell division gated by a circadian clock: quantized cell cycles and cell size control
J Zámborszky, CI Hong, A Csikasz Nagy
Journal of biological rhythms 22 (6), 542-553, 2007
BRCA1 deficiency specific base substitution mutagenesis is dependent on translesion synthesis and regulated by 53BP1
D Chen, JZ Gervai, Á Póti, E Németh, Z Szeltner, B Szikriszt, Z Gyüre, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 226, 2022
Erratum: Loss of BRCA1 or BRCA2 markedly increases the rate of base substitution mutagenesis and has distinct effects on genomic deletions
J Zamborszky, B Szikriszt, JZ Gervai, O Pipek, A Poti, M Krzystanek, ...
Oncogene 36 (35), 5085-5086, 2017
Cooperative interactions between p53 and NFκB enhance cell plasticity
A Bisio, J Zámborszky, S Zaccara, M Lion, T Tebaldi, V Sharma, ...
Oncotarget 5 (23), 12111, 2014
A genetic study based on PCNA-ubiquitin fusions reveals no requirement for PCNA polyubiquitylation in DNA damage tolerance
JZ Gervai, J Gálicza, Z Szeltner, J Zámborszky, D Szüts
DNA repair 54, 46-54, 2017
Minimum criteria for DNA damage-induced phase advances in circadian rhythms
CI Hong, J Zámborszky, A Csikász-Nagy
PLoS computational biology 5 (5), e1000384, 2009
Molecular Network Dynamics of Cell Cycle Control: Transitions to Start and Finish
A Csikász-Nagy, A Palmisano, J Zámborszky
Cell Cycle Synchronization: Methods and Protocols, 277-291, 2011
Neurospora crassa as a model organism to explore the interconnected network of the cell cycle and the circadian clock
J Zámborszky, A Csikász-Nagy, CI Hong
Fungal Genetics and Biology 71, 52-57, 2014
Molecular Network Dynamics of Cell Cycle Control: Periodicity of Start and Finish
A Palmisano, J Zámborszky, C Oguz, A Csikász-Nagy
Cell Cycle Synchronization: Methods and Protocols, 331-349, 2017
Formal Methods in Molecular Biology (Dagstuhl Seminar 11151)
R Breitling, AM Uhrmacher, FJ Bruggeman, C Priami
Dagstuhl Reports 1 (4), 41-64, 2011
BlenX-based compositional modeling of complex reaction mechanisms
J Zámborszky, C Priami
arXiv preprint arXiv:1002.4065, 2010
Compositional modeling of biological systems
J Zámborszky
Università degli studi di Trento, 2010
Functional crosstalk between the p53 and NF-kB transcription factors.
A Bisio, J Zámborszky, S Zaccara, M Lion, T Tebaldi, Y Ciribilli, A Inga
Cancer Research 73 (8_Supplement), 746-746, 2013
Analyzing various models of Circadian Clock and Cell Cycle coupling
A Csikász-Nagy, A Faure, R Larcher, P Lecca, I Mura, F Jordan, ...
Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2009
Connection between the cell cycle and the circadian rhythm in mammalian cells
J Zamborszky, CI Hong, A Csikasz-Nagy
FEBS JOURNAL 274, 248-248, 2007
Connection between the cell cycle and the circadian clock in mammalian cells
J Zámborszky, CI Hong, A Csikász-Nagy
ModellingComplex BiologicalSystems, 111, 2007
Modeling the cell cycle
J Zámborszky, A Csikász-Nagy
UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, 0
Effects of DNA damage on the cell cycle through the circadian clock
Z Bujtár, J Zámborszky, T Matsu-ura, CI Hong, A Csikász-Nagy
FEBS OPEN BIO 11, 495-495, 2021
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Articles 1–20